Hi, I’m Suzanne.
There are moments in our lives that change everything. Often, when those moments happen, we don’t realize they’re the ones that define us and take us places we never imagined. That moment, for me, happened more than fifteen years ago when I was introduced to Norwex.
Norwex ignited a fire that consumed me from the moment it came into my life.
When I first started reading about Norwex, I shared with my husband that I just HAD to become a consultant because I wanted to tell everyone about it! I told him about the life-changing message of Norwex and the ‘crazy silver thing’ in their cloths.
Cleaning your house using only water and a cloth while drastically reducing chemicals in your home was something EVERYONE I knew needed to hear about. After I had finished sharing my excitement with him, he simply looked at me and said one word…“No.”
He then went on to remind me that I had a full-time job, in addition to being a wife and mother. He also pointed out that cleaning was not one of my favorite pastimes. As I listened to him, I found myself thinking that he had good points, but I still wanted to try. “Give me a year” I said, “Just one year, and if I haven’t made this business successful for us… I’ll quit, I promise.”
He agreed, and a year later, there was no way he would ask me to quit. Norwex had changed our lives for the better in every way possible.
Fast forward to the present:

My family and I are now fully committed to spreading the mission of creating as many Safe Havens as possible.
I spend every day trying to ensure that the people I come in contact with live longer and healthier lives by using Norwex.
They say that when you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life. I am here today to tell you that this sentiment is true. My “job” (otherwise known as my passion, my life mission, the reason I don’t consider this “work”) is to share the benefits of living green, saving green, and earning green through using Norwex.
Norwex has taken me places that I never dreamed I would go. I have the privilege of mentoring, training, and leading thousands of Norwex consultants around the United States, Canada and Australia. Norwex has pushed me out of my comfort zone and has caused me to grow in ways I never imagined, including being the keynote speaker at a conference in Australia.
I am humbled and blessed by my team. My team is one of the top sales teams in the United States and globally. They are an ever growing group of men and women who are daring to share the vision of Norwex and change their own lives while doing this. That’s the reason why I called my team the Dream Team.
Whether your dream is to simply have a healthier home for your family, a dream to pay one bill a month with income from your Norwex business, or a dream to make enough money to change the lives of your family and others that you choose to bless…Norwex and I can help you achieve any or all of those dreams!
Thanks for connecting with me here; I hope I’m able to make an impact on your life. I would love to help make some of your dreams for YOUR future become a reality!
CONTACT ME for a no-obligation conversation about the products or business opportunity, or CLICK HERE if you’re ready to sign up and get started as a member of the Dream Team.
~ Suzanne
One last thing…if you’re someone who is asking yourself – “Wait a minute, how can I know the Dream Team is the right team for me to join? How do I know this woman is qualified to help me?” – here’s the super brief summary of my qualifications:
- I have regularly been recognized as a top recruiter/trainer/leader within the company
- I was recently one of four leaders globally who were elevated to a new level of Norwex Leadership – Silver Senior Vice President Sales Leader.
- My personal team has been in the top five within the United States for many years, including several recognitions as #1
- I have personally been recognized as a top recruiter/trainer many times, and I hold the company record for having the most “qualified” new personal team members in a year (‘qualified’ means they earned their kit for FREE)
- I was the second leader worldwide to achieve the title of Senior Vice President Sales Leader, which was then the very top of our compensation plan.
- I’ve served on many Norwex committees, was a founding member of the North American Field Advisory Council and was one of two leaders asked to serve an extra year on our term. I’m currently serving a second term on NAFAC.
- I have served on the Information Technology Advisory Council
- I was awarded the incredible honor of receiving the United States Spirit of Generosity Award.
You can be confident that by joining my team, you are joining under a leader truly devoted to your success and becoming part of a winning team that supports each other in their success.