I recently watched a video from Cas @Clutterbug_me and felt so inspired by the tips she shared on why our homes don’t ‘feel’ tidy, despite the fact that we are always cleaning. This really struck home, as it’s a conversation so many people have with me. People tend to talk cleaning talk when you’re a Norwex consultant *wink.* I ended up getting sucked into a declutter video vortex! So let’s tackle the clutter that we all feel like we are dealing with that doesn’t seem to go anywhere! I’ll share in this post some of the best decluttering tips I came across in my vortex.
Where Does Clutter Start?

Casey @thatminimalistmom says: “Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination.” She also shares that our brain “will always default to what feels good in the moment, not what is good for your ultimate success.” Oh man, isn’t that the truth! I’m pretty sure that’s when Netflix comes calling!
‘Yes, No, Maybe’ Method to Declutter
To overwrite this default, you have to start making decisions more effectively. Casey recommends the ‘Yes, No, Maybe’ method. Here’s how it works:
As you look at each item in your home when you’re decluttering, ask yourself: ‘Does this item serve your desired outcome of living a simpler, more intentional life?’ She reassures that the more you make it a habit of making immediate decisions, then the less clutter you will have. This makes so much sense to me, and I can definitely get on board with it!
3 Tips To Make Your Home Tidy
Cas from @Clutterbug_me shared three tips on making your home feel tidier.
You have to first declutter. So your initial goal should not be to tidy, stack, or put in baskets, but to get extra ‘stuff’ out of your house!
And how do you do that? Everyday take 5 minutes to fill a bag. That’s a garbage bag, not a grocery bag! You’re either going to toss or donate. How do you determine what to put in the bag? If you don’t like something or use it, throw it in the bag. And yes, you have to be relentless. Use that ‘Yes, No, Maybe’ method to get on a roll. It’s not an easy process, but it does get easier the more you do it! Remind yourself that this all leads you to more peace.

Now it’s time to organize. Organization is creating homes for the things you use. That way, when it’s time to tidy, everything will be put in its space and not be cluttering your living area (plus, everyone else in the home can know where it goes). Follow this guide: everything in your home needs a ‘home.’

Daily Tidy
Finally, do a daily tidy-up. This is a habit that will make a significant difference in your home feeling like the space you want it to be! I like to do an evening reset. It tends to be before I go to bed, but you can make it earlier, like 10-15 minutes before you sit down to watch your favorite show. This involves putting dishes in the dishwasher, wiping counters, and putting things back in their ‘homes.’ A timer is your best friend in this scenario, and if you’ve got kids, you can definitely get them on board with this timer task!
“If your environment is messy, your head will be messy”
Turn Decluttering Into Self-Care
Katy Joy Wells of @katyjoywells shares that decluttering can be an opportunity for self-care. Open spaces can help you feel more calm and relaxed (an essential component to care!). An uncluttered space is also an invitation for the creativity and connection you need for self-care. You can use a decluttered space for quiet time with your thoughts. And hey, the process of de-cluttering gives you a chance to listen to an audiobook or your favorite music, which is more self-care!
I hope these decluttering highlights have helped you see decluttering in a different way so that you can create a tidy home. It’s a wonderful feeling to have a peaceful living space that doesn’t make you feel chaotic inside! If you loved this post, you might also enjoy reading 5 Tips For Teaching Your Kids To Do Laundry. Might as well enter a cleaning vortex! 😆
Thanks for stopping by.
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