Let Norwex make your stainless steel appliances shine again!
Do your stainless steel appliances look like this?
Typically, the quickest way to clean any stainless steel is with a damp EnviroCloth, followed by a dry Window Cloth. This is a great method for quick, regular maintenance of fingerprints, water drips and food spatter that mark up those shiny surfaces.
However, if you’ve just started using these two cloths to clean your stainless steel, your applicances may look like the photo above – streaky and spotted– and the EnviroCloth and Window Cloth don’t get rid of these marks that seem to be under the surface!
I’m not 100% sure of what causes these streaks. If I were to guess, it’s that regular polishing hasn’t happened on the surface. (If you don’t already have stainless steel appliances, and are contemplating getting stainless steel, I’d personally recommend staying away from them if you want something low maintenance. It really does require constant shining and upkeep!)
But never fear! Norwex has a Superhero waiting in the wings for this problem!
Norwex Laundry Detergent!!!
What?!?!?! I know. It’s laundry detergent. Why would I use it on my stainless steel appliances? I don’t know why either, other than, it works to get rid of those marks like magic!!!
Not only is this product fantastic for cleaning clothes in both standard and HE machines, but it has multiple uses. Did you know that you can make a paste of the Norwex detergent with water and use it to spot clean your carpets? Or use it mixed with a little water and an old toothbrush to clean your jewelry? And, you can use it to make your stainless steel appliances sparkle!
While cleaning customers houses, I’ve come across this streaky stainless steel problem and didn’t know how to solve it. I tried KD cloths, olive oil, and even attempted to use chemical sprays and wipes to deal with this issue (*gasp*). It didn’t seem to make the appliances shine again. And quite frankly, I don’t know what’s in those things! Nothing that’s good for me or the earth, I know that much! And gosh darn, they’re expensive!
Here’s how to clean your stainless steel appliances:
**Update 2019: Norwex released a Stainless Steel Cloth this year, that is truly MAGICAL on stainless steel. It will actually make your appliances shine again, with just water, without having to go through the below process.You can read more about how this cloth works at this blog post. Or, you can skip the reading all together and just get a Stainless Steel Cloth in my online shop!***
1. Sprinkle a little UPP in a dish. You really don’t need very much. Add a little water.
2. Get your EnviroCloth damp. Dip a small section into your paste.
3. Begin rubbing the paste over your stainless steel. I would recommend rubbing with the grain. Re-dip if necessary and continue rubbing it over the surface.
4. Then, flip your EnviroCloth over to the clean side, and wipe off the pastey-polish marks you’ve just created.
5. Follow with a dry Window Cloth, polishing the surface until it shines. This won’t take long!
And now, your surface is shiny and new again.
I was so amazed the first time I tried this. I couldn’t believe the shine! It was absolutely beautiful! Don’t worry. I didn’t weep.
Hey. I mixed just a little of the Ultra Power Laundry detergent and warm water . Wet my Enviro clothe ,squeezed out and started wiping to the grain of the frig. Had to do this a couple of times. Because of cleaning with a stainless steel spray that was just covering the stains , but not cleaning my frig. The last time going over the frig. I wiped down with the window cloth, shining like a new diamond. Love my Norwex products.
Oh, so glad it helped shine things up for you!
Thanks for the tip! Do you know if the Norwex Laundry Booster would also work? I already have it on hand so I’ll give that a try before buying the UPP. Thanks again!
Hmmm. I have no experience with using the booster for this method. I haven’t heard of anyone trying it. The Laundry Booster contains different ingredients, so I’m not sure that it would do the trick for you!
It worked on the streak on my dishwasher and the inside of my frig door. Thanks for the tip.
Will the dish soap work just as well
I’m not sure. I’ve not had anyone tell me they tried using the dishwashing liquid for that.
Did it work with your stainless steel I have lots of stain and even using the stainless sprays it still show the stains !!! driving me nuts
Amazing..tried this and great results so happy because although loved the look began to regret my choice
Wow I did this tonight and I cannot stop looking at my fridge! I too had those odd marks that would not come off no matter how much scrubbing. I tried lysol wipes, vinegar/water, two types of stainless cleaners even baby wipes!! I am so glad I found your post in my search for a solution! I joined Norwex and the sample laundry detergent came to day in my kit :):):)
Thanks for the tip. My EnviroCloth works great at keeping the fridge clean, but the dishwasher not so much. I’ll try polishing it to see if that helps.
If that doesn’t work, you can try a small pinch of our Ultra Power Plus mixed with water and then use that to clean the dishwasher. Thanks!