Do you have a New Years resolution to spend less money this year?
Wracking your brain on how in the world you’re going to manage that? Let Norwex help! Did you know that Norwex can help you save money on cleaning supplies? In fact, you’ll dramatically reduce the need to buy cleaning supplies on a regular basis, with Norwex. And besides, no one wants to shell out a bunch of their hard-earned dough on cleaning supplies, of all things!
Imagine a scenario with me. Close your eyes. No, wait, that won’t work, you’re reading! Okay, let’s start again. Keep your eyes open, and read on…
How to Save Money on Cleaning Supplies
Imagine yourself, seven years ago. You hadn’t yet fully embraced the skinny jean, but were getting there. You’ve been invited to a party at a friends house. You’re definitely not wearing leggings with a long shirt at this party. Your necklace is petite, and not Uber-chunky.
At this party, you’re introduced to a company called Norwex that aims to radically reduce the amount of chemicals in your home and personal care. You decided, “Okay. I’ll try one of their products, and see how it goes, to support my friend.” You buy the Basic Package, an EnviroCloth and WindowCloth.

When it arrives week later, you begin to incorporate this in your regular cleaning routine. First, you use the cloths every time you want to clean a smudge on a window or mirror. You even use it on your computer and tv screens. Then, one day, when you crack and just can’t take all the dust anymore, you grab your EnviroCloth, rub it against itself to get the static electricity going, and use it dry to grab all of the dust on your shelves. One day, you wipe down your coffee table and office desk with your damp EnviroCloth. A few weeks later, in a frenzy of cleaning, you tackle the bathroom with both your EnviroCloth and Window Cloth, eliminating toothpaste goobers, hair, spit, and other unmentionable dirt, from the mirror, sink, counter, tub and toilet. You throw your cloths in the washing machine on hot, toss them in the dryer, and can’t wait for the next cleaning frenzy to hit.
Fast forward a few months.
It hits you one day- you’ve been cleaning….everything… with these two cloths. “Hmmm, you think. I haven’t needed to use any chemicals while I’m cleaning. That’s pretty cool!” You decide to order an EnviroCloth in pink, blue and green, too, so you can colour code them by task or room, since you’re always using the one grey one you own anyway. You throw in the Cleaning Paste to your order as well to tackle tough jobs, like on grout, build-up on your kitchen sink, hard water and soap scum in the shower, and the burned on food on your stove-top.

Just a little of this 3-ingredient, non-toxic, hard cake goes a long way, so you’ll be set for a while, maybe for a year or two, or even more!
Fast forward a year.
You’ve caved and purchased the Superior Mop System and only clean your hardwood and tile floors with water (and yes, you sing while doing it!)

For your birthday that year, you ask for the the Body Cloths to use in the shower and the Makeup Remover cloths for your face washing. Both also need just water to clean.
Fast forward six years.
It’s been seven years since you started using a Norwex product. And you’ve stopped buying so many cleaners. You don’t need window cleaner now that you have a Window Cloth. You don’t need nearly as much paper towel with the window cloth, and for big spills, you grab an EnviroCloth, since it absorbs up to seven times its weight in water. You no longer need disinfectant wipes – densely woven, superfine Norwex Microfiber physically removes up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water when following proper care and use instructions. You don’t need any type of floor cleaner, tub and shower cleaner or stove top cleaner. You don’t need fancy cleaners or wipes for inside the car, since the EnviroCloth and Window cloth do the job in there, too. You haven’t needed any face cleansers for the past six years, since your Makeup Removal Cloths have been cleaning your face with just water. And, you’ve eliminated even the need for body wash in the shower. In fact, you still have your original EnviroCloths. One of them began to fray in year one, but since Norwex Microfiber has a two year warranty, you got that one replaced through your consultant. Your friend is experiencing the same thing – most of her cloths are still going strong! In fact, you’re surprised at how long all of your Norwex products have stood the test of time.
You made your initial investment, but you radically reduced the amount of chemicals you needed to purchase in the first year alone, and the savings only continued with each year!
*And you lived happily ever after*
I love happy endings! My friends – this is MY scenario! I have saved SO MUCH MONEY since I began using Norwex seven years ago.
You know what’s even better?
Imagine this extra scenario: you get 35% off all of your future Norwex purchases. AND: FREE Norwex stuff from time to time.
“Tell me, tell me!” you beg, “How do I save even MORE money!” Okay, okay. I’ll let you in on the secret – *sign-up to be a consultant.*
You’ll not only SAVE money and earn free product along the way –
You’ll also MAKE money!
In fact, you’ll save and make money BEYOND 2016 (well, as long as you don’t quit, heehee!). I know. It all sounds too good to be true. But I can personally testify, it’s not too good to be true, because this is MY life.
It totally rocks!!!
Contact me to purchase Norwex NOW to help you save money on cleaning supplies over the next many years of your life. You’ll not only be saving money, you’ll be dancing while you clean, you’ll be so filled with joy over the savings. But I recommend you draw the line at throwing money around the house as you dance. *wink*
I’d be happy to chat with you about any questions you have about becoming a consultant. It’s a no obligation conversation, but know that I’d LOVE to have you join me on this journey of saving time, money and the earth with Norwex!
~ Suzanne


All right, I admit it. I’m interested. I’ve used a lot of Clorox wipes in my bathroom and I’m always looking for ways to make my chemicals stretch a little further. But if I don’t even have to worry about them at all? Sounds like my kind of cloth. Norwex, here I come!