I LOVE the Norwex Body Scrub Mitt so much, I’m going to spend a whole blog post to convince you to toss your Loofah and switch to it! There are 3 simple reasons why you should make the switch. First, let me break down the features of this thing.
The Body Scrub Mitt has soft Norwex Microfiber on one side, and a combination of Microfiber and mesh on the other (I call this by the fancy name of ‘The scratchy side’). To use, hop into the shower. Get the mitt wet, slide your hand into the mitt, and rub the microfiber side all over your body in the shower. The result: a squeaky clean body (and no soap or body wash necessary)! If you have particularly dry skin in certain areas, rub them first with ‘the scratchy side.’ And don’t worry, it’s not a harsh uncomfortable scratchy. It’s actually quite a soft feeling (and hands down amazing).
Top 3 Reasons to ditch the loofah and switch to the Norwex Body Scrub Mitt

1. Exfoliate dead skin cells
Did you know that dead skin cells cause your skin to look dull? When you exfoliate your skin, you remove dead skin cells resulting in glowing skin! You also get smoother skin when you exfoliate. And that’s why this mitt is AWESOME. The rougher, mesh side is perfect for exfoliating those dead skin cells away. It also feels amazing. Especially if you’re struggling with dry itchy skin.

2. Reduce exposure to harmful toxins
I’ve been learning more and more that a lot of the personal care products we use in the bathroom, including the shower, contain harmful products, like parfum, endocrin disruptors and carcinogens. The Body Scrub mitt allows you to avoid all of that because you don’t need any soap or shower gel with it! The microfiber does all of the work removing the bacteria that causes odors from your skin. When you’re done using it, rinse it out under the shower stream, squeeze it out, and hang it to dry from the loop.
This mitt also contains Norwex’s signature Baclock, a micro silver agent, which means that it self-purifies as it dries, inhibiting bacterial odor, mold and/or mildew growth within your mitt. I use mine all week and then launder on the weekends {If you can’t handle no-soap, it can be used with shower gel. Just choose something that contains minimal fragrance!}

Prepare skin for shaving {no need for shaving cream!}
This probably doesn’t make sense when you first read it. But get this – if you rub a wet Body Scrub Mitt over the area you want to shave, you can run your wet razor over the area without any shaving cream or lotion. Yes, you read that correctly. You can shave with just water and a razor, and avoid nicks and razor burn (this also works with the Body and Face Cloth, as the material is the same). You can read more details about the method in this blog post: Best Tip Ever for Easy Shaving
Perfect accessories for the Body Scrub Mitt

Exfoliating Facial Mitt
This exfoliating facial mitt is the perfect accessory for in the shower, or even at the bathroom sink. Use this to wash your face at the beginning or end of the day. One side is soft suede-like microfiber, and the other is a loofah side.
The soft microfiber side removes makeup with just water, cleansing skin of dirt, bacteria, and excess oils. The beauty of cleaning your face with microfiber is that it doesn’t strip your skin completely, like cleansing creams or peels. The loofah side is perfect for occasional exfoliating to remove dead skin cells.
Did you know? Acne-causing bacteria can feed on oil trapped by dead, dull skin cells. Gentle exfoliation helps prevent such breakouts

Hair Wrap
Once you step out of the shower, you’ll want to wrap those wet locks in this wrap. This isn’t like ordinary hair wraps though. It can absorb up to 75% of the water in your hair. And trust me – it makes a big difference! I forgot my hair wrap on vacation this summer and was so annoyed at how wet my hair was! I realized that I hadn’t dried my hair without this for many years, and had forgotten how much water it gets rid of right away. It also contains the signature Baclock!
I hope I’ve managed to at least intrigue you with a new way to shower. If you are ready to make the switch, click one of the buttons above to head to my online shop. Thanks for stopping by! ~ Suzanne
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