I have a feeling you’re like me; you just want to stop cleaning and START LIVING YOUR LIFE ALREADY. That’s how cleaning feels for me; a never ending task master. I bet you dream of having more time to do more of the things you actually WANT to do. Like going to bed earlier, or spending more time on your new hobby. Or binge watching Netflix!
So, here are 4 tips that will help you waste less time, get more done, and have the time you need to do the things you want. BUT: Be forewarned that these tips are not going to be easy. You’re going to have to steel yourself to let some things go. And just remember that in return, you’ll save time and receive more of what you REALLY want. You ready????
4 Time Wasters to Avoid
1. Stop folding your kids laundry
Now, just work with me here. I know you’re already resisting. But you would be so shocked at how much time you’ll have on your hands when you pass this task off to your kids! Granted, this is not going to be an easy pass for you, if you love to open your kids drawers and find perfectly folded piles.
Here’s what I discovered about folding my kids laundry. I would fold everything in neat little piles and put them away. But as my kids would pick out their clothes for the day, they would do so by rifling through the drawers. Their neat little piles would get ruined, and as their clothes sat bunched up in their drawers, they became wrinkled. I would spend all this time folding their laundry, for no reason. I was essentially wasting my time!
So, I handed the task off to my kids. And, I gave them no standards, other than sorting their clothes (ie. pants, shirts, socks, etc). They put their own laundry away. Folded or unfolded, I no longer cared. They could shove it in their drawers. And I no longer had to fold laundry while watching tv (all I really wanted was to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and was resenting the laundry/tv combo).
You too can do this. I believe in you! It’s one less thing to do. Your kids are TOTALLY capable. Not to mention that you’re teaching them responsibility (gold star award for you!).
2. Lower your standards for house work
*Gaaaaaasp!* Cleaning your home until it is ‘just right,’ and meets your happy level of perfection, is the most time consuming thing you can do. It eats up SO.MUCH. TIME. every day. So, instead of making it perfect, make it ‘good enough.’ I know you’re rebelling against me big time right now. But seriously. If you feel like you don’t have time to live your life, this is the biggest time waster that you’ve created for yourself. YOU are the only one holding this standard over you. So, do as Professor Maja says, and “aim for completion, not perfection”, and you’ll find that you have more time.
3. Stop doing everything yourself
You have no free time to do what you want because you’re being too controlling.
Yup. I said it. It’s time to let your grip go and start to delegate tasks. You’ll be amazed at how much time you suddenly have, now that you’re not doing ‘it all.’ This will also help you in the previous task of lowering your standards for housework. Once you lower your standards, it’s that much easier to let the control go. Because you and I both know that your spouse/kids aren’t going to do as good a job as you do. But the only time that this issue REALLY matters is when you’re selling your house (or when your mother-in-law is coming over, ha!). The rest of the time, you’re going to be Elsa and belt out ‘Let it gooooooo, let it goooo!’ as you watch your kids mop your floors quickly and without care.
The key to success in this one is delegating. You have to take the bull by the horns on this one, and verbally tell your family members what to do. You can’t just ‘stop’ doing things and assume they’ll pick up the slack. No, that’s a definite recipe for disaster, ’cause they won’t be doing anything sister, and you’ll just be mad! Just be nice when you ask, and be specific.
4. Stop cleaning with 8 billion different products
Nothing wastes time more than having to drag out tons of different products to do different jobs, and then drag all of those products around the house with you. Save time by using products that can do more than one thing. Here’s just one idea of how to simplify your cleaners, with a Norwex EnviroCloth, Window Cloth and Dusting Mitt.
EnviroCloth and Window Cloth: these two products replace all-purpose cleaner, disinfectant wipes, paper towel AND window cleaner. They’re simple and lightweight. Use water and an EnviroCloth to wipe down ALL surfaces in your home that need cleaning. If you wipe something that needs to shine, or be streak free, just polish it after with the Window Cloth. Think of how fast you can zip around your house if you only need two cloths for those jobs!
Dusting Mitt: No need to grab furniture polish and paper towel when it’s time to dust. Just use a Dusting Mitt! You use this dry, and it uses a static charge to grab onto dust and hair. You can even dust your hardwood stairs, tv and computer screens, entertainment unit, and window screens with it.
Check out this shopping list for beginners if you want to know about more Norwex products that can simplify your cleaning products and help you stop wasting time.
Now, go out there and live your life!
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