Do you remember those days of back-to-school shopping and loving the new erasers, cute backpacks, sharp pencils, and brand-new sneakers? At the beginning of school, there’s a temptation to buy ALL NEW just like the good ol’ days. However, life is a little more expensive these days. If items are still in decent condition, there’s no need to purchase new shoes just for the sake of getting new. Instead, a pair of shoes can get a glow-up to make them LIKE new, with a little scrubbing.
I’m going to show you how I brightened up a pair of converse sneakers with the Norwex I have on hand. It took me about 20 minutes to get both shoes cleaned.
Brighten and Clean Your Converse Sneakers

There’s a big difference in how bright these shoes are once I cleaned them, compared to after they’ve had some summer fun! I wish I had taken a full shoe shot to show you even better just how white and bright they were. {The video below shows it off better}
Supplies Needed:
Microfiber Cloth (I used my Norwex EnviroScrub)
Brush (I used my Norwex Utility Brush)
The Cleaning Paste is perfect for this job, since it’s known as ‘elbow grease in a jar.’ It’s a mild cleanser that tackles tough jobs. I chose an EnviroScrub for this job because it’s two sided, which gave me some abrasion power on one side, and the lifting power of the dense EnviroCloth microfiber on the other.
How to Clean Your Converse Sneakers
- Get your microfiber cloth damp. Rub your cloth in the Cleaning Paste to transfer some of it onto the cloth.
- Scrub the white sections of the shoes.
- Reapply Cleaning Paste to your cloth as needed.
- Next, get your brush wet and rub in the paste to transfer it to the bristles. Scrub the white sections again. Using the brush allows you to get into the many grooves and textures on this type of sneaker.
- Rinse your microfiber cloth, then use it to wipe off the dirt and Cleaning Paste.
- You may have a few marks left over. It’s helpful to grab a Magic Eraser for this final task, and do a quick wipe up for any extra tricky spots. Just note that your eraser will crumble as you rub it on the shoes surface, so you’ll want to use sparingly.
- If the canvas portion has dirt or residual cleaning paste on it, use your rinsed EnviroCloth or EnviroScrub to rub the canvas to clean it up.
Cleaning Converse Sneakers In Action
Let’s Take it One Step Further!
Now is also a good time to deodorize your shoes before school starts up again! Grab your bottle of Norwex Sportzyme and spritz it a few times inside the shoe. Let it sit 24 hours. Repeat if the shoes were extra nasty smelling.

I love how the Sportzyme isn’t just covering up foot odours in the shoes. The natural and powerful enzymes in this formula work to break down the odour causing bacteria and eliminate it completely. This makes for a much more effective deodorizing.
I hope this post inspires you to clean up the shoes you have around the house. I suggest you text this link to your teen to get them motivated to do it themselves *wink*.
If there’s anything in this post you don’t own, you can purchase them from my shop:
Thanks for stopping by!
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