Are Norwex Products Made in China?
Yes, Norwex Microfiber is made in China.
This was one of my biggest concerns when I first started using Norwex, and was contemplating becoming a Norwex consultant. As someone who tries her best to think global and act local, this worried me because as much as I loved the products, I didn’t want to support a company that was employing workers at unfair wages or providing unsafe working conditions.
Norwex issues an annual global report, outlining everything going on in overseas factories each year. Complete and utter transparency… a company after my own heart! I was intrigued to find out a little more about the workers in China and how Norwex conducts global business.
Why is Norwex Microfiber made in China?
In China, there is a degree option for a Ph.D. in textile engineering. When the original Norwex plant in Sweden could not keep up with production, a new plant was opened in China due to the high level of expertise in textiles. Once the plant opened, the amount of microfiber in Norwex cloths went from 1.5 to 2.9 million meters of microfiber per cloth. Impressive!
Norwex owns their factory in China – they do not simply contract the work out.
This point is extremely important to understand. Because Norwex own their factory, they are able to oversee and control everything. Norwex is NOT contracting the work of making the Norwex cloths, to a shady, barely-know-anything-about-this-operation, poorly managed factory, that puts it’s employees healthy & safety at risk because of greed. Norwex runs all the day to day operations of its factory, and takes complete responsibility for everything that happens there.
According to the 2011 global report that focused on Norwex owning and operating their factory in China:
- every staff member has access to healthcare and insurance.
- the working conditions are clean and tempered,
- there is a well-catered cafeteria (that everyone from the chairmen to factory workers eat in!),
- competitive and fair wages are paid consistently,
- maximum weekly hours are strictly regulated,
- and employees are guaranteed vacation and sick days every year.
Norwex is committed to the fight against corruption and seeks to provide an ethical, safe working environment for everyone.
Norwex China conforms to the United Nations Global Contract, regarding employee management, including their suppliers of raw materials. It also governs Norwex regarding environmental and human rights standards. I love that I can see Norwex’ status and ‘grade’ within the UNGC on their website… transparancy and honesty.
The Norwex global report also interviewed several Chinese employees of Norwex, several of which have relocated to the area and work for Norwex, alongside their spouse.
Norwex also has a Norwegian managing director living in China to oversee all practices and make sure that the UNGC’s 10 Foundational Principles are being adhered to. The CEO, Debbie, also pops in on occasion to make sure everyone is happy.
Reading these reports from Norwex gives me peace of mind knowing I am buying from and working with a company that offers plenty of transparency and seeks to provide a safe, ethical product from the ground up. I hope this information gives you a little more peace of mind next time you see the “Made In China” tag on a Norwex microfiber cloth, and you’ll smile knowing you’re helping families across the globe make a living and enjoy a positive quality of life.
Norwex China Factory Employees, Fish & James
In a once in a lifetime trip, I personally visited the Norwex factory in China! It was an AMAZING journey, which you can read more about HERE on’s sister blog,
I read your response to a consumer that your company is owned and operates the company safely and takes care of the workers. This is totally contrary to everything I have read and seen on the news. I am very concerned that just about everything I have ordered from Norwix is made in China, even items that are not microfiber.
Hi Debra. Thanks for visiting my blog. Are you saying that you’ve read or seen a news article about Norwex not operating safely or taking care of their workers? I’m confused by that because I have personally been in our China factory twice and have ongoing communication with some workers there that I became friends with. Our China facility is almost identical to the facility we have in Texas other than decor.
Like other people here, I love the products and my sales rep is fabulous. But why some products are made in China has not been sufficiently addressed.
And I have another that concerns me: why are some of the face care products made in Israel? Israel has a terrible track records with regard to the Palestinian lands and ‘d like to know if these products are being created as part of what will push Palestinians further off their lands. This question is very specific and I hope to receive a very specific answer.
Branwen – I’m glad you love working with your consultant. Please feel free to discuss this issue with her. I’m keeping this blog devoted to Norwex products and how to use and care for them. The world is so divisive right now and I don’t want to add to that by engaging in a political or religious debate.
Is this the same silver used in your cloth?
No; we use microsilver which is quite different in size than nanosilver. Thanks.
Can you tell me where you buy your ingredients from for your skin care line
No; I’m sorry. That isn’t information that I have.
It concerns me that you don’t have the information on where the products of the skin care line comes from. How are we to know they are truly safe?
Are you looking for information on the new skincare line? This blog post was written quite some time before the skincare launch.
I will not feel comfortable with this company until they bring all manufacturing back to America. Love the Chinese but we have no business supporting their system , no matter what their expertise is in an area! Please come home!
Nancy, Thanks for your comment. We are a global company that makes and sells product in many different countries. We were founded in Norway, then came to Canada, and then the US was actually the third country we were in. We’ve been investing a significant amount in R&D and manufacturing in our Dallas facility, but our microfiber plan has never been in the US so it was never “lost” to the US. I hope that helps you understand. Thanks.
I love all my Norwex products!!!! I was impressed to read how transparent their reports are! Also, we are not above paying wrongly in the USA! So please wash your product when it arrives as you should anyway!
Really wanted to discontinue using products from China, but I do love the products!!!
Why aren’t norwex products made in the USA?
China is the expert in textile products, that’s one of the main reasons why. We do have MANY products made in the US and some in Canada.
Or CANADA? Norwex was in Canada for years before they branched out to USA.
Is the global update that confirms all this information the result of an outside researcher? Or is it Norwex reporting on themself?
Are these products fair trade certified? What are the wages in your China Norwex factory?
Hi Nadine, thanks for your question. Norwex is not fair trade certified. Norwex is, however, a member of the United Nations Global Compact. You can see their status and their ‘grade’ within the UNGC here. Please let me know if you have any other questions!
I love your polishing cloth for windows, I had tried for years to have streak free windows. My girl friend told me about yours products. I am in love with these cloths. I will be ordering more products soon.