Spring is finally here! You want to gaze out your lovely windows at the budding leaves, but…er….they’re too dirty to see out of!
Norwex has AWESOME tools to help you Spring Clean your windows, inside and out!
- It’s safer AND cheaper than using Windex
- It’s faster than using a spray bottle of vinegar
- It’s lint free AND cheaper AND more environmentally conscious than using paper towel
- It’s cleaner than using black newspaper (which transfers to your fingers, which transfers to your white windows sills and edges you’ll be touching, speaking from experience!)
- Your supplies will last you for many years of window washing!
Norwex tools that will help with spring cleaning windows:
- 2 Enviro cloths (two different colours is easiest, but not necessary)
- 1-2 Window Cloths or an Enviro Towel
- A Dusting Mitt OR a dry Enviro cloth
Other tools that will help:
- A bucket of water
- Music, loud and dance-y (actually, this one is a MUST!)
danc·y: also danc·ey (dăn′sē)
adj. danc·i·er, danc·i·est Informal
Suitable for or inviting dancing; danceable: dancy music.
To begin:
- Blast your music.
- Pull-up your stretchy pants.
- Wrap your bandana on your head.
- Put on your cute apron. Just because you can. There’s always time for looking cute!
Get your Dusting Mitt or Enviro cloth ever-so-slightly damp.
Open your windows and rub both sides of your screens with the Mitt or the Enviro Cloth. You can do this and then clean the window itself, or run around and do the screens all at once. Doing the screens all at once allows you to add a little workout to the mix. You can time yourself running around the house, or you can dance your way to each window. Choice is yours (Norwex gives you choices)
NEXT: Take a break and watch this clip from one of THE all time best 1980’s chick flicks, “Girls Just Want To Have Fun”! Sing along, perhaps at the top of your lungs; dancing along is optional, but recommended.
Ok, now that you’re refreshed, let’s move along…
- Get your bucket of water, Enviro Cloth and Window Cloth or Enviro Towel ready.
- Get your Enviro cloth wet and squeeze it out well.
- Wipe the window panes down with it, following with the Window Cloth, until they’re polished dry.
If you can access the outside of your window panes by flipping your windows down, do that at this point too. Instead of using a Window Cloth, you have the option of using the Enviro Towel here.
The Enviro Towel is really ideal for this kind of big project, as it is much bigger and I find, more absorbent, so it will last you longer before becoming too saturated. Once the Window Cloth is saturated (therefore too wet), it will no longer polish your windows dry.
Now, get out your second Enviro Cloth. Get it wet and squeeze it out. Use this one to get into the bottom inside of the window that has lots of dust, grime and possibly mildew in them. If you stick your pointer finger inside your cloth, you can get into the corners. Rinse your cloth if necessary. As you move on to other windows, you may need to replace your bucket of dirty water if you have lots of windows.Do all of your inside windows using this method.
You may want to call it day for now. Dancing is exhausting. But if you’re in the mood, why not also tackle the outside today? If you do the outside at this point, you’ll need to get a fresh bucket of water before going out. You’ll also need to clean your Enviro cloths out really well under running water, as they’ll be quite dirty. If you have more clean Enviro Cloths, just grab those!
If you can’t access the outside of your windows from inside, bring your bucket of water, your Enviro Cloth and Window Cloth or Enviro Towel outdoors. Make sure you open a window to ensure you can hear your blasting music (or you bring your earbuds with you). Remember your cute apron! *You may want your Dusting Mitt or dry Enviro Cloth to grab spider webs.
Repeat the same process as inside, minus cleaning out the bottom of the window, since it’s already done! You may need to refresh your bucket of water more frequently when outside, since the windows are obviously much dirtier.
Are your windows really tall? Or perhaps hard to reach?
You can use the Norwex Mop, Enviro Cloth, Window Cloth and Mop Brackets to reach those hard to reach spots!
What to do: Assemble your Norwex Mop, including the mop pad. Attach the mop brackets. Now, you can wrap your wet Enviro Cloth around the mop pad and secure with the mop brackets. Wash your window with this contraption. Then take off your Enviro Cloth and attach either your Window Cloth or Enviro Towel to then polish your window dry.
You are now an accomplished window washer. Maybe, this is the first time you’ve tackled washing your windows. If so, CONGRATULATIONS! I know that you feel AMAZING right now!
You have danced, you have sung, you have brightened the inside of your home! You’ve also helped out Mother Earth using this process. Now, go enjoy your Spring!
My wife is not likely to clean the windows, so I do it, sans the cute apron – wore a tool belt instead so I can fix what is broken as I move along
That’s fantastic!
Enjoyed the humor for a boring job. The time you save you can treat yourself to a bubble bath and a glass of wine!!