Norwex has a few different sponges and ‘scrubbies’ to choose from in their catalog. When I do a party, Norwex newbies are a little confused about which sponge to add to their purchase, since there are a few options. Since this is a confusing decision for a lot of people, I’m going to take time to break it down for you, so you can decide which sponge is ‘just right’ for the jobs you might have in your home!
Why choose a Norwex Sponge?
First, we need to tackle the subject of, ‘But…why?’ Why not just grab any old sponge you can get when you’re grocery shopping? I mean, a sponge is a sponge, right? Well, no, actually. Not all sponges are created equal!
Based on personal experience, I can tell you that these sponges are the BEST sponges I’ve ever used. They are not an ‘ordinary’ sponge! I’ll go into more detail about what makes them special when I talk about each one. The most important thing you should know about all of the Norwex sponges is that these are TOP quality sponges that will last you a long time.
comes in a package of 2
60 Day Warranty

This is an absorbent sponge with an abrasive wrapping. I love that this sponge is abrasive enough for tough jobs, yet WON’T scratch most surfaces. And- its encasing is earth friendly!
{Close up View of sponge}
This can be used in so many different rooms, for so many different jobs! Here are (just a few) of my favorites:
- Cleaning dishes (this will NOT scratch Teflon)
- Scrubbing sticky spots off the counter/floors
- Scrubbing the top of your ceramic stove with the Cleaning Paste. I cross my heart, that this will NOT scratch the surface. Know that this is the most effective when paired with the Cleaning Paste, and is not nearly as effective on its own (other than for a quick scrub, not a deep clean).
- Scrubbing the shower or tub with Bathroom Cleaner. This sponge gives just enough abrasive punch to help scrub off that extra build-up. Use with the Bathroom Cleaner to be the most effective (dilute Bathroom Cleaner, spray on surface, let sit 10 minutes, scrub with Spirisponge, then rinse).
How it compares to similar products
I’ve seen similar products to the Norwex Spirisponge in dollar tree stores and hardware stores. I’ve purchased them, out of curiosity, noticing that they were a lower price than the Norwex Spirisponges. However, once I got them home and used them, I found that they just didn’t compare to the Norwex ones! The ones I’ve purchased in stores look almost identical, except that the crisscrossed silver parts are not quite woven as tightly. This seems to make a BIG difference, as the ‘other’ brands simply weren’t as effective at scrubbing! So, I recommend the Norwex brand, and definitely feel they’re worth the extra price! (especially since they’re so versatile and long-lasting).
To clean
Add a drop of dish liquid to the middle of your sponge, and rub it against itself, rinsing out the suds when you’re done scrubbing. Or, throw in the top rack of the dishwasher.
comes in a package of 2
1 year warranty

This is a sponge with a two-sided wrapping. One side is slightly abrasive (it’s the same material used in our Kitchen Scrub Cloth), and one side is a soft, absorbent EnviroCloth. That means that this sponge is handy for jobs that require a bit of scrubbing and/or a bit of wiping. And I’ve got to say, it is so darn handy to have the ability to scrub and wipe with the same sponge.
This sponge also can be used for so many different jobs! I find that mine stays in the kitchen, but you could definitely grab it for other jobs around the house. I like to use it for jobs like:
- Scrubbing Sticky spots off counters/floors
- Scrubbing sticky spots off dishes
- Wiping countertops
- Scrubbing, then wiping sticky cupboards (it’s actually AMAZING for this, and is my favorite use for this sponge)
- Scrubbing, then wiping down sticky chairs (if you have kids, you WANT THIS)
- Absorbing small spills
- Scrubbing and/or wiping down the tub
- Quick wipe downs of your dirty stove
How it compares to similar products
Ummmmm; I’ve never seen a product like this one! So simply put: it doesn’t compare! The scrubby side of this sponge is like no other ‘scrubby’ sponge. I used it one day to scrub my cupboards, and I couldn’t believe how many old food spills it wiped away. Not to mention sticky blobs. When I was done scrubbing, I simply flipped and wiped it clean. And I only needed water, since the densely woven, superfine Norwex Microfiber physically removes up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water when following proper care and use instructions. That alone makes this Sponge the best darn sponge you could ever own! I fell in love instantly! The soft, EnviroCloth side also contains our signature BacLock feature, purifying itself in between uses. So, this is WAY BETTER than any other germ-infested sponge!
To clean
Between uses, make sure you’re wringing this out and allowing to air dry. In between uses, you can add a drop of Dish Soap to your sponge, rub it against itself, then rinse the soap out well, under running water, then air dry. These can be thrown in the washing machine (I’ve personally never tried this), or washed in the top rack of the dishwasher. Since the EnviroCloth side is self-purifying in between uses, as it dries, you don’t need to be constantly laundering this baby.

Package of two
60-day warranty
Technically, this isn’t a sponge. But these are popular cleaning tools, and many customers love them (and ask about them). These don’t hold onto water as a sponge would, but you do use them with lots of water. These are reserved for special scrubbing jobs on tough surfaces (as these are very abrasive, and can scratch many surfaces). They can be a bit of a concern since they can scratch surfaces, but once you have a feel for what they’re safe on, they’re lifesavers! You’ll see, from my list below, that this ‘sponge’ is best friends with the Norwex Cleaning Paste. They love to do everything together!
I like to use these for:
- Scrubbing pots and pans (non-Teflon)
- Scrubbing grout and sticky floor tiles (with the Cleaning Paste)
- Scouring the inside of my stainless steel sink with water.
- When I want to do a deep clean of my sink, I use this, with water and the Cleaning Paste.
- Scouring caked on soap scum or hard water on ceramic tubs (I always use with Cleaning Paste or Bathroom Cleaner, for extra scouring power)
- Scrubbing the inside of my oven (with lots of water and Cleaning Paste), ESPECIALLY the inside of the oven door window.
- Scrubbing hard water build-up on drains and the edges of faucets (carefully, so I don’t scratch them).
How it compares to similar products
You can purchase very similar products in stores to this one. They perform the exact same, in my experience, on your tough jobs. Both Norwex and similar brands unravel and stretch as they’re used. But the Norwex Spirinettes are smaller, which means they don’t get super big and stretched out like other brands. I like them for this reason, as they’re easier to fit in my hand. I find that the Norwex brand lasts longer than any other brand I have used as well, which makes them worth the price.
To clean
Add a drop of dish soap to the wet spirinett. Rub it against itself, then rinse well. You can also throw this in the dishwasher, on the top rack or in the utensils basket. And to be honest – I never actually ‘clean’ this item. I might do the dish soap thing if there are bits of food stuck in it, or swish it around in a sink of water, to get those bits out. But other than that, I just use and abuse it until it’s all stretched to the max!
Mesh Dish Scrubber

When you need to get the dishes done, but don’t want to get your hands dirty, you’ll want to reach for the Mesh Dish Scrubber. This sponge has a handle so you can keep your nails away from the action. The sponge is scratchy enough to remove baked on food, but gentle enough to clean your dishes without scratching them. The best part is that it contains the BacLock feature that helps keep the sponge clear of bacteria. How many sponges can actually clean themselves?
I like to use this for:
- washing dishes
- scrubbing pots and pans- even non-stick!
- scrubbing down the kitchen sink
- scrubbing down stove top
- scrubbing the backsplash
How does it compare to other products
This product is similar in abrasion to the EnviroSponge and Spirisponge, but has the unique handle that protects your fingers. Whether you have thin nails or just don’t like the yuck of dishes and soggy food, this handle comes in handy!
To clean
Just rinse and let dry once you are done using this sponge! The BacLock will do the rest to self-purify the sponge by inhibiting the growth or bacteria, mold, and mildew. It might be tempting, but don’t wash in the dishwasher. When you’ve thoroughly used the sponge, gently wiggle the scrubber pad loose from the prongs and scissor cut away if its tangled. Then reattached the scrubber pad to handle by pressing the scrubber against the prongs at the base of the handle. It’s so easy!
In Summary
Norwex has four sponges to choose from for your tough cleaning jobs. All four are effective at what they do. They all have versatile uses for every room of the home.
If you want to know what one you should DEFINITELY get first, I recommend the Spirisponge, since it’s abrasive, yet doesn’t scratch. This can be used with the Cleaning Paste for many jobs, so if you’re getting the paste, then yes yes yes, get a pack of Spirisponges to go with it!
If you’ve got tough cleaning jobs in the kitchen you want to tackle, especially on pots and pans, or on your ‘always brown’ kitchen sink, get a pack of Spirinett’s to have on hand, as you’ll find yourself reaching for them!
If you are a sponge lover, but are trying to ‘give it up,’ after you’ve heard how bacteria-ridden they are, swap it out for an EnviroSponge. You’ll be so darn happy you did!
Hope these details have helped! To get your hands on one of these sponges, visit my shop!
Happy Cleaning!
~ Suzanne
Is the EnviroScrub just a bigger EnviroSponge?
No; they both have envirocloth material on one side, but the scrubby sides of them is different.
How can I purchase one of these items?
You can shop online at http://www.healthyhomeshop.com . Thank you!
I love that I can hand the microcleaning pads to my kids to clean the scuff marks off of the walls- when we used the magic erasers from the store, I wouldn’t let the kids anywhere near them, and had to clean all the walls by myself!
Can I use dish soap is washing dishes by hand with the enviro sponge?
Yes; that should be fine. Thanks.