Alright – we’re going to be honest right from the start.
Football season means stink.
Am I right?
That sweaty equipment just.smells.awful!
Ah, but never fear. Norwex is here! And no, I’m not going to tell you to try to wipe everything down with an EnviroCloth. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
No no. You’re going to spray the equipment, clothes, bags, cleats and helmet with the Norwex Sportzyme. And then just WALK AWAY. Legit! The first time you do it, you will likely need to to a second spray a day or two later. But after that, just one application after smelly buildup and that equipment won’t have that awful smell to it anymore.
I know it sounds magical, like all of our Norwex products do. And frankly – too good to be true.
But this stuff astounds me. Like, everytime.
The beauty of this product is that you’re not spraying it on, in hopes that it will mask smells, but it’s actually eliminating the bacteria that causes the bad smells. (Thanks to the natural enzymes!). Which means that when you can’t smell anything bad, it’s because there’s nothing left!
And when you’re done spraying the football gear you can go spray everybody’s smelly shoes. The inside of your smelly car. Your stinky sports bra that sat in the dirty laundry a little too long (ooooops). Your husbands gym bag. Your gym bag…You get the idea!
Thanks, magical enzymes. Thanks.
Get your bottle of Sportzyme at my store and start enjoying the smell of Fall again!
~ Suzanne
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