The Norwex Odor Eliminator is a safer alternative to room sprays, that packs a punch with its ability to eliminate odors in so many places! This is a safer alternative because it is both biodegradable and contains no harsh chemicals. The formula is enzyme and pro-biotic based, and the “critters” eat through the bacteria that causes organic odors.
This formula has a light scent when you first use it, which eventually fades.

It’s crazy effective
Deja Peterson, fellow Canadian Consultant, offers this testimony of the Odor Eliminator:
“The first place I tried Odor Eliminator was in my young son’s plastic toy chest, where I’ve discovered he likes to hide his pyjamas if he’s wet the bed. By the time I figured out what was happening, the urine in my son’s clothing had permeated the toybox so thoroughly, and the toybox smelled so disgusting, that I was just going to put it out in the garbage and buy a new one. But when I put some Odor Eliminator and water in the toybox, swished it around and let it sit for twenty minutes, the smell vanished! Amazing. I have also discovered that a capful of Odor Eliminator in my laundry will completely remove the urine smell from my son’s pyjamas and bedding!”
How To Use Norwex Odor Eliminator
This bottle comes to you highly concentrated, so to use it, dilute it in water. For example, only a small capful is needed in a load of laundry.
I like to keep a spray bottle of this made up at all times. To do that, mix one part Odor Eliminator with 7 parts water. I can testify that a little of this and a lot more of that also works well as measurements!
When you reach for your spray bottle, just shake it slightly before spraying, to ensure the contents are still mixed. Only a few mists are necessary for all odor eliminating jobs!
Where can I use Norwex Odor Eliminator?
Norwex Odor Eliminator removes organic odors. Here are some ideas of where you might use it:
- Mist on carpets & furniture as a (light) spray-on room deodorizer
- Use with water to wash out diaper pails, garbage cans and cat litter boxes
- Spray in stinky washrooms, musty basements and smelly shoes
- Refresh a stale smelling room with a few sprays
- Put a capful in the washing machine to remove: underarm odor, musty smells, campfire and cigarette smoke, and other organic smells from clothing
- Lightly mist anywhere that a pet may sleep or had an accident to freshen the area. It will also eliminate the smell of cat pee
- Spray a bed that has been peed on, or wipe down plastic mattress covers with it, if a child has had an accident
Other things to know about Odor Eliminator
- has a 2-yr shelf life once opened (keep it out of direct sunlight)
- it is highly concentrated, so must be diluted with water
- it leaves no residue and will not stain
My Review
This product gets used so often in my home that it’s a definite staple. I keep my bottle in my laundry room, since I frequently put a capful in a load. I also have a spray bottle of it I keep diluted with water in a bathroom, so that it’s handy (keeping it diluted like that won’t affect its performance!). Even though this product is used frequently in my home, I find it lasts a really long time! All of these features make this a 5-star review product!
I think you’ll love this product as well, and will find it becomes a staple in your home! Grab a bottle from my shop.
What about odour eliminator on a foam mattress?! The mattress cleaner says not to use on foam or latex; I cannot find info anywhere stating whether or not odour eliminator can be used on foam and/or latex?
I haven’t heard one way or the other but we personally use it on foam mattresses and it has worked well.
Hi the odor elimator ,I believe there is 3 different scents ,which is the nicest scent . I have never bought this ,any recommendations .thank you.
Hi. We now just have one scent, which is the Crisp Linen.
I’m a consultant and trying to find out what each of the three scents smell like. I think there may be a typo in your post where you’ve listed the description words as if they are titles? For example, “Green Tea and Lemongrass – This scent is very spa like. You could say that it is Zen and relaxing. There’s a hint of green tea and lemongrass.” Are the three scents in the same order they are above? So that one refers to the Crisp Linen? Thank you in advance!
Hi Jody – thank you for letting me know! I’ve updated the post, so it should be MUCH clearer now!
Hello! A friend was having an online party and I researched online to find out what these smelled like and came across your website. I was so happy to see your review about the rain scent smelling zen like. I just received mine and it just smells like a bottle of water with a drop of soap – almost like children’s bubbles refills for their bubble wands. I mixed it up with the ratio per your website and the bottle and sprayed away. No scent is detectable. Do you think it’s possible it’s an older bottle of product that’s ineffective?
You may want to ask for an exchange because in my opinion the scent is quite noticeable.
I just got the Odour Eliminator today! I cleaned my cat box area. I have a female cat who stands up and pees out. So gross. I diluted and poured it over the area. Let it sit for a few minutes and wiped with my envirocloth. I rinsed my envirocloth and will wash it using the laundry detergent. I hope I haven’t ruined it with the ammonia in the cat pee.
Isn’t Odour Eliminator amazing?! I love it!
How do I use the odour eliminator on the inside of my son’s diaper pail to get rid of the smell? I read online that it helps, but I’m unsure how to apply it? Would it be the same as how I used it on the inside of his wood chest to get rid of vomit smell? For that project, I used it undiluted on a cotton ball and wiped the surfaces. Thank you for any help!
I personally keep a spray bottle of odour eliminator that has been diluted with water around my house. On a diaper pail, I would spritz the inside of the pail with this diluted spray bottle, between emptying, and let it air dry, to help with odour!
I am struggling to find an ingredient list for the odour eliminator. Where can I find a list of all the ingredients in this product? I see it says it’s an enzyme which is fine, but I would like a complete list, as my 6 year old has had allergic reactions to other Norwex products.
Hi Meredith,
Please send me an email, through my contact page, about this, and I’m happy to chat with you regarding specific ingredients!
Oops, it’s me again. I meant to ask how much you would use in a shampooer for carpets?
Most people seem to use 1 tablespoon for a full shampoo.
Our dog was in an accident and suffered head trauma. She has not fully recovered at this point and may not, which has me concerned because she is having accidents. One was on the couch that has multiple types of materials, such as wood, faux leather, and fabric. Have you had an issue with the product changing the composition of the foam where it would sit differently or any issues with one of those materials? Also, have you tried it on concrete like the garage or patio?
We always recommend spot testing on anything like that just to be sure it won’t cause damage. I haven’t tried it on concrete. I’m not sure if it is porous enough. Let me know if it works.
Do you think i could use the odour eliminator in lieu of my scented wax in a scentsy warmer? i love the smell and usually have something like this – not sure if it is safe to put in a warmer?
thank you!
I’m sorry; I’m not sure if that would be safe.
Thanks Crystal – I do have the bags, and they are wonderful. The larger one set near the fireplace got rid of any damp char smell this spring. I think my best option really is to paint/seal the walls…but that is so much work! I also put one of the bamboo bags under the kids beds and their bedrooms smell so fresh.
Love your site, I now know how to use the Norwex products better! For musty basement smell, do you think I should dilute and lightly spritz the cement walls in the unfinished area and the carpet in the finished area? I made the switch to Enviro clothes about 3 months ago and feel better, and haven’t needed my inhaler once! I used it about twice a week, always on cleaning days, but got wheezy regularly, amazed! I just hosted a party and can’t wait for my new items to come.
Hi Susie,
Thanks for sharing your positivi experiences with the EnviroCloth! It’s so encouraging to hear firsthand how Norwex has helped improve your health!
For your musty basement, the Odor Eliminator diluted and sprayed on the carpet area would help definitely help with the musty smell, and would be a MUCH better option compared to chemical spray or plug-in. You would likely need to use this method more than once (every once in a while). Another option, which might work better for the cement walls, is our Air Freshner bags, made from Bamboo Charcol. These absorb unpleasant odors. They have a two-year warranty, and you can ‘recharge’ them every few months in the sun. You could purchase a few of them for your basement. They come in two sizes. Check them out here!,1435.aspx
Can you use odor eliminator on leatherette? If so, how? I have heard that you should never really leave anything on leatherette.
My mother in law bought some second hand leatherette armchairs and, sadly, we cannot seem to get out the cigarette smell out of them.
Hi Chantal,
I have been mulling over this question. I don’t personally have any experience using Norwex products on Leatherette, and I couldn’t seem to find other consultants that had any advice to help with this question. I’m so sorry! I do know that our Leather Care line has a lovely beeswax smell that is safe for the armchairs. A good wipe with an EnviroCloth is always good to do. Perhaps you could use the odor eliminator diluted in a spray bottle, spritz it on, let it sit a few minutes, then wipe with an EnviroCloth? I used Sportzyme on a wool coat that smelled like cigarettes with great success, but once again, am not too sure if it would be bad for leatherette, as it is meant to be left on to do its work. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help!
Hi i just recently moved into a house. Its such a beautiful home but the previous renters had dogs and cats that peed everywhere . Iv had the carpeting professional shampoo and it still smells. Also the radiators smell like the cat sprayed. Its so gross and i cant deal with it anymore iv tryed so many things. Do u think this product would work. Thanks so much, Sara
Oh Sara, how miserable for you! Although I can’t make any guarantee that any of the Norwex products will completely eliminate the smell, you should be able to significantly reduce the smell, and even through continued use (over the course of a few months with repeated applications) you may be able to get rid of it. I would definitely start with the Odor Eliminator, and use a fairly strong concentration (3 parts water to one part OE). You don’t have to saturate the area you’re trying to get the stink out of, just a generous misting so it’s fairly damp. Then wait till it dries, and apply again. Just keep doing this over and over, and the Odor Eliminator will do it’s work removing the source of the smell. Another Norwex product that can help with getting rid of stink, is the Sportzyme. You don’t dilute it, and it a bit more expensive, but it may help as well. Good luck!
Stray cats have taken to “marking” my front door and around my front yard. As you could imagine the odour is not exactly roses and lavender which waftes into the house!
Which product would you recommend? Composites are metal mesh security screen, wood, front door mat Coconut fiber or similar ?? Please help.
Oh Jo… I feel for you. Growing up we also had a stray cat who would come and spray our front deck… it drove my mother mad! Although I haven’t had the same issue as you, our cat decided to start peeing on our futon. I had a bottle of the Norwex Odour Eliminator and a bottle of Norwex Sportzyme, and between the 2 of them, we were able to get the cat pee smell out of the futon COMPLETELY. I don’t really know which worked best, I’m just thankful that the smell is gone! I would recommend starting with the Odour Eliminator since it’s concentrated, and used close to full strength, should give you quite a lot of deodorizing power. It’s also a bit cheaper.
Hi, I love your website. Thank you. I have a question about the odor eliminator. Can it be used as a room deodorizer, like in the bathroom?
Thanks Jan! The Odour Eliminator is meant to be used on surfaces to eliminate odour, although I don’t see why you couldn’t try using it in the bathroom as an air freshener. I’ve not tried it, but would love to hear from you how it works, if you do!
What amounts are 1 part to 7 parts. So if I use 1 cup of OE I would use 7 cups water??
Have never understood that system. Therefore if using it in your was you would require at least 1/2 cup would you not.
Lana, I generally use 1/4 cup of the Norwex Odour Eliminator to 1 & 3/4 cups of water (this is a 1:7 ratio) – it’s a much smaller amount to store in spray bottle!
Cup or tsp?
Either one; just be sure it’s 1 part Odor Eliminator to 7 parts water.
If I were to use this as a room deodorizer, how would I dilute it?
To use the Odour Eliminator as a room deodorizer, you should use a 1:7 (OE:water) dilution.
I am new at selling Norwex and have a question about odours on hardwood floors. I have not tried the odour eliminator but was wondering about using it diluted in a spray or in water on hardwood floors with the mop system? I would think once the odor is up, you would be able to maintain with just the mop system? Any advice is appreciated!
Thank you for any help!
Emily, I would think that adding a very small amount of Odour Eliminator to a spray bottle of water to wash your floor with, would be just fine. I’ve personally never tried it, but would love for you to comment again once you have, and let me know your experience with it! One small word of caution… I would test the Odour Eliminator on a small patch of the hardwood floor before adding it to your wash water.
hi Deja,
I am a new Norwex consultant, and just like Tracy wrote (back in Feb 2013), I am finding your site extremely helpful. Thank-you!
Jen Harpole
Gallatin, TN
Hi Jen! I’m SO glad that my site is helping you… thank you very much for the encouragement! Best of luck with your new business 🙂
Hi! Can you use the odor eliminator in stinky shoes? Just curious as I wasn’t sure about spraying it in and ruining the inside of a pair of shoes!! Thanks!!
Erica, you can use Odour Eliminator on stinky shoes (dilute 3 parts water to 1 part Odour Eliminator), but I know from personal experience that the Norwex Sportzyme works MUCH better on getting rid of shoe odour!
How would I use the odour eliminator in my washing machine if I use the norwex powder detergent? I have a front loading machine with a detergent dispenser. Not sure if I should mix the powder and liquid?
Kathy, I just pour a little glug of the Odour Rliminator directly into the detergent dispenser of my front load machine. Another option, if you want your clothes to really smell like the Odour Elminator, is to add a little to the fabric softener dispenser.
Hi – Do you put both the Odour Eliminator and the Norwex Laundry detergent into the detergent dispenser at the same time? Or just the Odour Eliminator without the Detergent?
Theresa, I put the Norwex laundry detergent in the detergent dispenser, and the Odour Eliminator in the fabric softener dispenser!
Do you use the Odor Eliminator straight in the washing machine, or dilute it, then add it to the washing machine?
Hi Christina, When I use the Odor Eliminator in my laundry, I don’t dilute it, and I just use a small glug (about a Tbsp maybe?) to the detergent or fabric softener dispenser!
Hi Deja,
I have stumbled across your website and I love how informative it is! I have just started selling Norwex and am receiving a lot of questions about the product. I too received it as a gift and loved it so much that I decided to share it with friends.
Thanks for your info, I’ll be check back regularly and sharing your posts!
Quesnel, British Columbia
Thank you SO much Tracy! I’m thrilled that you are finding this site to be helpful, and I really appreciate that you’re sharing it. I hope you have great success as a Norwex consultant!