Did You Know That Norwex Sells Deodorant?
And not just any deodorant, but a Crystal Deodorant (sounds magical, doesn’t it)!
Here are the Pro’s of this Crystal deodorant:
- No aluminum
- Many of us hope to avoid aluminum chloride, since our body can absorb it, and it has been linked to harmful health side effects.
- Made from a natural mineral, amonium alum
- AKA: Alunite, which is not to be confused with aluminum.
Here’s the dealio between the two:
Aluminum chloride you find in antiperspirants lodge themselves in sweat glands (thereby stopping the sweating). Ammonium alum does contain some aluminum. However, the molecules are larger in this format, therefore, not absorbed by the skin (and does not prevent sweating)!
- Lasts really long. A year or more!
- I don’t smell!
- Yay! You won’t either! And you know what, I don’t have issues with excessive sweat (and therefore wet armpits) using the Crystal!
Here’s the Con’s
- It requires a little more time to apply than the average deodorant.
- You do need to wet it to apply (or apply right after a shower) and rub it on until the rock/your skin is dry. This can take between 20-35 seconds, depending on how wet the deodorant/your skin is.
- This Crystal Deodorant can start to smell if you don’t rinse it and wipe it off after you use it (and when I say ‘smell,’ I mean ‘barn. Blugh. TMI?). You’ll also need to leave the lid off so it can dry completely.
- You have to be careful where you keep it, because if it gets knocked off a ledge and falls to the floor, it will shatter! Read: keep away from small, wild children
- Your body will need a little time to readjust at first. Your body isn’t used to sweating, if you’ve been using antiperspirant. Those pores are going to unclog and sweat in overtime. So, it’s a bit of a growing pain. But give it two weeks, and you’ll be good to go!
Some people get a little whiny about ‘all the work’ involved. I was at first.
But in all actuality, it only adds a minute and a half to my daily routine!
BONUS: Norwex now sells a deodorant stick! If you prefer a deodorant that has a fragrance, and doesn’t require a little extra maintenance, you’ll want to try this one! This one uses essential oils for it’s fresh scent and is also free from Alumimum!

I love that not only are both deodorants effective, but that Norwex has made it easy to make a healthy choice for your body, depending on your preference for deodorant ‘style!’
You can purchase the Crystal Deodorant at my store here or the Deodorant stick here!
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