Sometimes, I hold a Norwex cloth in my hand and think nothing of what makes this cloth ‘special’ or ‘different.’ I’ve always known that Norwex microfiber is different because of its extremely high quality. But I’ve never thought about how it ‘gets’ to that high level. I recently went on a deep dive into the factory-level production of Norwex Microfiber and was basically ‘WOWED’ by some of the facts about microfiber from Norwex! The testing and processes are actually fascinating, and I wanted to share them with you.

How Norwex Tests Their Microfiber
There is confidence in the quality of Norwex microfiber, thanks to many stages of testing! Here’s a breakdown of how the testing is done:
- All raw materials are inspected when received. This includes any accessories that are used, including labels, etc.
- Microfiber yarn is tested for strength, elasticity, physical performance, and correct silver content.
- Fabric created from the yarns is inspected. These large fabric rolls are inspected to ensure consistent color, weight, as well as antibacterial efficacy when applicable.
- When the fabric is cut, 100% of the pieces are visually inspected. Pieces with snags or uneven cut lines are removed. Items are stitched, followed by another visual inspection of 100% of the products.
- Several samples from each batch are washed five times in the washing machine. Inspectors look for shrinkage, shape changes, absorbency as well as how quickly water is absorbed (the fancy term for that is “Capillary Action.” Throw that into the conversation at your next social get-together!)
In 2020, Norwex did about 3,000 test for their BacLock agent
After Production Testing
Once products pass Norwex factory inspections, every lot of microfiber with BacLock has a sample sent to an accredited third-party laboratory. There, they test for its ability to reduce bacterial growth within the cloth.
How the Microsilver Agent gets Into the Microfiber
A lot of the microfiber products you use have the label “BacLock” on them. This is the Norwex name for microfiber that contains the antibacterial agent, microsilver, This agent is for self-cleansing purposes, designed to inhibit bacterial odor, mold, and mildew growth within the product. How it’s added to the cloth fibers is fascinating! Here’s the process:
The polyester pellets used to create the microfiber are first melted. Then the silver is added. The fibers are then squeezed out into very long filaments that are now the microfiber yarn. This process ensures that the micro silver agent doesn’t wash out after just a few washings, like many other products. This process ensures that the silver is embedded within the microfiber itself, rather than added after. The end result is a more durable addition of silver!
Recycled Microfiber Adds to the Fascinating Facts About Microfiber
Norwex has been using more and more recycled microfiber in its products. The aim of this is to reduce the carbon footprint Norwex leaves behind by using a product as long as possible. Recycled microfiber yarn performs just as well as yarn created from virgin plastic, and is just as reliable. The microfiber created with recycled plyethylene terephthalate not only comes from the best possible source, but is also inspected after purchase. Norwex ensures that it contains no heavy metal, BPA or phtalate components.
The ‘Next-Level’ of OEKO-TEX Certification
This certification is the “next level,” that helps ensure top-quality microfiber. It is a well-respected, global certification program. Norwex products that have this certification received OEKO-TEX level 1, the highest, strictest level (It’s usually reserved only for products used for babies). The cost of this certification is high, but so worth it since it guarantees that Norwex material and processes are all done the right way. Norwex has worked to get this certification on their main products, and plan on expanding how many have this certification level in the future.
If you actually don’t have any of Norwex’s microfiber in your home yet, and this post got you all starry-eyed and excited, visit my shopping site to grab your own cloths. You can learn more about the benefits of cleaning with microfiber here: The Real Truth About Norwex Microfiber
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