If you or someone you love suffers from dust allergies, you know how critical it is to reduce their numbers in your home.
Every person sheds almost 15lbs of skin per year, and 80% of that is in bed?! Where there are dead skin cells, dust mites thrive – they live (and breed and poop) in mattresses, sofas, carpets, and car seats (don’t worry, they don’t bite)!
Did you know that most dust allergy sufferers are allergic to the dust mite’s POOP? I know… Yuck.
It’s the protein in the dust mite feces that irritates the mucus membranes of your sinuses, causing sneezing, congestion, itchy & watery eyes, coughing, dark circles under the eyes & asthma flare-ups; those of you with dust allergies know what I’m talking about. It’s miserable.
The Norwex Mattress Spray kills dust mites simply by out-competing them for food… no insecticides or dangerous chemicals are needed.
How Does Norwex Mattress Cleaner Work?
Mattress Cleaner has live, non-pathogenic (not disease-causing) organisms in it, which use enzymes to rid the mattress of debris. These enzymes encapsulate and digest dead dust mites and their poop (gross), dead skin cells, pet dander, yeast and fungi. These enzymes will continue to feed on all the above until it is all gone and the end product is carbon dioxide and water – completely safe. Once there is no longer anything left for the enzymes to eat, they disintegrate.

There is a misconception that the Mattress Spray kills dust mites, but the truth is that the mattress spray doesn’t actually KILL anything! It works by eating up all of the food that the dust mites would feed on (aka, your dead skin cells), and when the dust mites don’t have anything to eat, THEY DIE! The Mattress Cleaner enzymes basically out-compete the dust mites for food, which is a process microbiologists refer to as competitive inhibition!
So, Does it Actually Work?
Absolutely! This is an amazing product for anyone who suffers from dust allergies, asthma, or people who snore! Yes, the Norwex Mattress Spray can reduce or eliminate snoring, depending on the cause of the snoring. My husband was a snorer, but about a month after my first application of the mattress spray, I noticed that his snoring had lessened noticeably – Hooray! I also have customers who have been able to significantly reduce the amount they use their inhalers once they started using the Norwex Mattress Spray. Listen to this customers experience:
“Every morning I would wake, and reach for my inhaler (for my tight chest), and then spend the next 30-40 minutes sneezing repeatedly, as my system rid itself of the stuff that had accumulated in my sinuses and chest during my night’s sleep. I used the Norwex Mattress Spray on our bed, pillows and duvet, and waited to see if it would help. Two weeks later, I didn’t have to use my inhaler anymore, when I woke up! No longer was my breathing laboured in the morning, and the sneezing attacks stopped! This mattress spray is worth it’s weight in gold!”

Here’s a list of the benefits of using the Norwex Mattress Cleaner
- Gets rid of dust mites and their feces (VERY allergy-causing in many people – snoring, coughing, etc.) and can help to eliminate or reduce allergic reactions
- Gets rid of urine smell and staining (extremely well)
- Only product on the market for elimination and removal of all organic waste inside the mattress
- Environmentally friendly and biodegradable
- Dual function: By use of Zinc complex and microorganisms unpleasant odors and organic material are encapsulated, neutralized and eliminated.
- Minimizes bacteria and dust mite growth
- Continues working until all organic material is removed
- Quick and easy to use
- Cleans where other products are unsuccessful
- Helps to reduce the amount of dust in your house
Where can I use the Mattress Spray?
Oh, so many places, and wherever dust mites might live:
- Mattresses
- Pillows (sleeping and decorative ones)
- Duvets (both down and synthetic)
- Upholstered furniture – couches, chairs, sectionals, loungers, office chairs
- Area rugs and carpeted rooms
- Stuffed toys
- Curtains
- Dog & cat beds – this is a GREAT product for pet owners!
- Car seats

HOW TO USE the Norwex Mattress Cleaner:
- Use every 3-4 months: 10 sprays for a twin mattress, 15 sprays for a queen-size mattress, 20 sprays for a king mattress.
- Must be sprayed directly on the mattress (no need to flip), pillows, stuffed animals, furniture or carpet.
NOTE: This is NOT for use on non-absorbent crib mattresses (ones with vinyl-type covering).
Why Is It Important To Reduce the Number of Dust Mites In Our Homes?
- Dust mites are microscopic. About 50 of them can fit on the head of a pin. Dust mites feast on the fungus that grows from dead skin cells and animal dander. The average adult sheds about 15 lbs of skin cells per year; 80% of that is shed in bed.
- On average, one dust mite produces 50 fecal pellets daily. These droppings are the most common cause of dust-related allergies. Approximately 80% of asthmatics are allergic to dust mites. Guess what? It’s not the Dust Mites causing the allergies; it’s the feces they leave behind.
- There are millions of dust mites in your home, which live in your furniture, carpet, bed, bedding, and even your children’s stuffed toys. Did you know that 10% of the average pillow’s weight is dust mite feces?
Should I buy a bottle of Mattress Cleaner?
Honestly, if you live and have skin, and sleep on mattresses with pillows and sit on sofas, you should buy a bottle of the Norwex Mattress Cleaner! Even if you don’t have a dust allergy, chances are someone you know does – they will thank you for spraying your couch with it. I give this Norwex product a gigantic 5 stars!
where in canada can i buy this mattress spray?
I bought the mattress cleaner and then we forgot it in the car in freezing weather for three days. Is it still going to work or did I kill all the enzymes?
It should be fine. It sometimes freezes in shipping.
Since the mattress cleaner available at the moment does not include a sprayer, I wondered can we pour the mattress cleaner liquid in and simply use the Norwex sprayer bottle in order to spray the mattress cleaner liquid onto whatever we need to spray? If so, can we use the sprayer bottle as the storage for the mattress cleaner as well?
I would think that would work, yes.
Can I use the mattress spray to freshen bed sheets And pillow cases?
I am wondering if you can use the Norwex mattress spray on cloth diapers?
Using the Mattress Spray on cloth diapers should be fine. However, I’m not sure why you would need to use it on them? Washing the cloth diapers in hot water, and running through the dryer, would eliminate any dust mite issues you’re dealing with. The Mattress spray allows you to eliminate dust mites in products that are not easily laundered.
What is the shelf life of an unopened bottle of mattress cleaner?
Hi Chloe, if your Mattress Cleaner hasn’t been opened, it still works! There is no ‘shelf life’ per say. If it’s a few years old, it may not be AS effecitive, but should still do the trick!
Am I able to use the spray on clothing? I have a wool jacket that you cant throw in the wash. I tried having my wool jacket dry cleaned but it has a leather lining and may shrink! I didn’t want to risk it.
I don’t believe that is an approved use for it.
I have never used Norwex Mattress Cleaner to clean our mattresses but after reading this review I think I may give it a try, it takes me a bit long time to clean our mattresses
Hi Suzanne, I have just become a Norwex independent sales consultant in New Zealand. I love all the products so much and was so impressed with your website that I used your review to sell 4 bottles of Mattress Cleaner at my first party!!! Are you OK if I share links to your site with my customers?
Hi Cassandra, How great to hear that this review helped you sell more products at your party! Yes, you are welcome to share links to this site with your customers. The more they know and understand about Norwex, the more they’ll buy, and we want to share the Norwex love alongside you!
Hi Kathy,
Yes, you can order Mattress Spray! I tried emailing you but it bounced back. You can order from Deja’s shopping site, http://www.dejapeterson.norwex.biz and it will be shipped directly to you. It should only take a few days as well! If you’d prefer to order over the phone, please email me at deja.norwex@gmail.com.
Hi, I’m thinking of purchasing an upholstered bed head and was wondering if the spray would be safe and effective to use on it?
Hi Sonia, I would say yes to this question. I use the Norwex Mattress Spray on everything upholstered in our house… couch, throw cushions, area rugs, curtains. I’ve never had any problem with the spray marking the fabric.
Hey there,
Just wondering if this product is safe to use while pregnant. I am 10 and I have terrible allergies to dust. I just want to make sure it’s okay for expecting Mums.
Yes, the Norwex Mattress Spray is safe to use while pregnant!
I have recently used the mattress spray on my 1 yr old select comfort bed. I did take off the waterproof cover and washed it with my sheets. I have found since then that a Norwex consultant said to NEVER use the spray on any memory foam bedding or foam bedding. She said that it voids the warranty. Her reasoning is that the enzymes break down the materials. I did have success with my dust mite allergies using the spray. I don’t want to damage my very expensive bed. What are your thoughts? Thank you.
Hi Melissa, the reason that Norwex recommends that the Mattress Spray not be used on memory foam is because the memory foam is so dense the mattress spray won’t work as quickly, but it still will do it’s job. It is completely safe to use it on memory foam though – it will not ruin your mattress (this information is directly from Norwex Head Office).
A bit confused. Why does your catalogue say not for use on foam yet you say it is okay to use on foam.
Hi Wendy, yes, you can see from past comments that I’ve mentioned that you can use the Mattress Cleaner on memory foam. There hasn’t been enough testing done on memory foam to determine it is ‘officially’ safe to use the Mattress Cleaner on foam, which is why Norwex indicates it’s not for use on Memory Foam. There are consultants and customers that still use it, but it’s at their own risk.
I appreciate the questions and responses above (the two times I’ve used the spray so far, it’s been with the mesh over the tip.) The spray itself really fills my house with a strong odor, so I open windows. Is it safe to breathe it in? (And do you know why it smells so strong?)
Hi Rebecca, the Norwex Mattress Spray is not toxic to breathe in, so you don’t have to worry about that. With regard to the smell… although the product is free of synthetic fragrance, the ingredients that make up the products still have a odour, and this is what you’re smelling. Opening the windows is a good idea if you find the smell unpleasant.
Question on the mattress cleaner–My daughter’s mattress has an old vomit stain. Will this help clean that off? Thanks
Hi Krista, If the stain is old, it’s doubtful that the Norwex Mattress Cleaner will get rid of it, but it may help for sure. I wish I could give you a more definitive answer…
Does this work for bed bugs as well?
Unfortunately no, the Norwex Mattress Spray does NOT kill bed bugs, as it isn’t an insecticide.
Thank you for the reply. One more question, can the spray be used on carpet? I am wondering if it can get that musty smell out of the carpet in our apartment, it is very thick and seems to trap scents unfortunately well 🙂
I use the Norwex Mattress Cleaner spray on our area rug all the time. You definitely can use it on your carpets!
I have an odd question…does the mattress spray do anything for mold inside plush things such as stuffed animals or mattresses? If not, is there another Norwex product that does?
Rachel, unfortunately none of the Norwex products are designed to eliminate mold, especially not mold that is growing inside plush items – sorry 🙁
The Norwex Mattress Cleaner says to shake well before using. I shook the container well, but when I sprayed it on my bed it didn’t come out as a mist. It was more gloppy. How is it supposed to come out of the sprayer?
Mary, on the nozzle for the Mattress Spray there’s a little mesh, flappy thing that can be pulled away from the end. If the mesh is in front of the sprayer, the product will come out foamy instead of as a mist. The mesh cover is meant to be used for products such as the Norwex Descaler to help the product last a little longer, but it doesn’t work well for the Mattress Spray!
When I received my Norwex Mattress Cleaner, it was frozen. Will this reduce the effectiveness of it? Do I need to ask for a new bottle? I haven’t opened it yet.
Tara this has happened to me before as well! When I asked whether the Mattress Spray would still work, the answer was “yes, it will still be just as effective”, so go ahead and use it on your beds. 🙂
Can you use the Norwex Mattress cleaning spray for your mattress and then cover it with a enclosed mattress cover? will it mold or not work if its enclosed?
Barb, yes, you can use the Norwex Mattress Spray and then enclose your mattress with a mattress cover. Other than vinyl, most mattress covers are somewhat breathable, otherwise you would sweat too much when sleeping on them. This air movement would allow for the release of moisture as well. After you’ve sprayed your bed with the Norwex Mattress Spray, make sure you give the mattress ample time to dry (at least 3-4 hours) before putting the mattress cover on.
Hi Deja, you mention the Norwex Mattress Spray should be stored at a cool temperature while in the bottle, once sprayed on the mattress is it ok to use an electric blanket or will this harm the enzymes?
Hi Natalie, Using an electric blanket won’t damage the enzymes in the Norwex Mattress Spray. By the time your mattress has dried, and you put your sheets on, and then climb into bed, the enzymes have already worked their way down from the surface of your mattress. So go ahead and use your electric blanket with peace of mind!
I have a 4 inch memory foam pad over the top of my mattress. Can I just spray the cleaner and will this cleaner kill the dust mites on the memory foam?
Hi Ann, Yes, you definitely can use the Norwex Mattress Spray on Memory foam! My daughter has a memory foam pad on her bed, and I spray it with the Mattress Cleaner frequently.
Why is its instruction provides that do not use on latex or foam mattresses?
Some foam mattress makers say that enzyme products should not be used on them.
I have a memory foam mattress that has had a water proof zipped mattress pad completely around the mattress and bottom “springs”. for the 2 years we have had it. Can dust mites get in side of them? This was put on when they delivered it and then I had 90 days to return the mattress if I didn’t like it. My husband snores a lot and has asthma. I have a lot of itching! I have had the mattress cleaner for a year and never used it! I love this site! I now know how to use this product.
Lynn, I’m so happy to hear that the information on my blog is helping you with your Norwex products! I had to do a little research to find the answer to your question about your mattress cover. Not all mattress covers protect from dust mites, and there are a few things to look for when purchasing one:
1. Does you mattress cover have a certificate showing the it’s purpose is as an allergen inhibitor?
2. Pay close attention to the pore size of your cover. Your best bet is to go for anything that comes with 2.8 micron or less pore size, even if it costs more. This size allows for breath-ability, but is small enough to keep dust mites from getting into your mattress.
Can you the Mattress Cleaner on Memory Foam?
Karen, yes, you can definitely use the Norwex Mattress Spray on Memory Foam mattresses or mattress covers. My daughter has a memory foam topper on her bed, and it gets a regular spritz of Mattress Spray 🙂
Hi, I was wondering if I can use the Norwex Mattress Cleaner on my downed comforter? Thanks!
Hi Rai, You definitely can use the Norwex Mattress Cleaner on your down filled comforter! We also have a down filled duvet, and I use the Mattress Cleaner on it every time I spray my mattress.
I just received my mattress cleaner. It does not have zinc or the microorganisms in the ingredient list. I know it used to say microorganisms
Have they changed the formulation. Now there is just enzymes.
How would we know if it works the same as before. Also the bottle says nothing about dust mites.
I don’t believe they’ve changed the formulation Shannon, they probably just changed the packaging and modified the wording for the ingredients… “microorganisms” is now “enzymes”, but they both mean the same thing.
I noticed in your reply to the woman who asked if she needed to pull up the carpet and spray the pad directly that you said that the product would work through to the pad. Wouldn’t that be the case too if you sprayed the sheets on your bed rather than removing them and spraying the mattress directly. Also, if you use it on the bedding will it get washed away when you launder it?
While it’s true that the Mattress Spray will kill the dust mites in your sheets, like you mentioned, it won’t remove all the dirt from your sheets… hair, toe lint, etc. I suppose you COULD just spray your sheets with the Mattress Spray to “clean” them, but I can’t say that I’d recommend it.
Can you tell me what the shelf-life is for Norwex Mattress cleaner? Thank you so much!
Hi Pam, The shelf life of the Norwex Mattress Cleaner is 2 years, and it should be kept in a cool, dry location.
I am allergic to dust mites pretty badly. While I was pregnant, I packed away my pre-pregnancy clothes and now that I’m losing the weight I took them out and washed/dried them last night. Tried to wear a shirt this morning and started sneezing, getting hot and having trouble breathing. Then I realized what I had done. Anyway, would this spray work on clothes do you think? I have read I can freeze the clothes but wouldn’t that just **kill** them and not remove the feces/pieces of them that cause allergies? What is your advice?
Hi Liz, YES! The Norwex Mattress Spray is great on clothes that have been sitting for a while collecting the remains of dust mites 😛 One of my dust allergy customers recently told me that she sprays it on top of all the clothes in her closet once a month, and finds it helps significantly with her allergy flare ups. The Mattress Spray works the same on all fabrics as it does on mattresses and pillows. You can also use the Mattress Spray on area rugs, stuffed animals, & curtains!
I saw that this product contains zinc. Are there any nanoparticles in it? Can it be used on baby toys?
Hi Tara, I’ve used the Norwex Mattress Spray on all forms of plush toys, including ones that went in my kids mouths! If you’re concerned at all about your baby ingesting the product, I would simply wait 12 hours after spraying, before giving the toys back to your child. By this time, the spray would be well dried and incorporated into the stuffed toy.
Would you mind explaining to me just how you use it? I understand that I spray the mattress and the mattress cover, then wait about 4 hours before remaking the bed with the just washed in hot water sheets and blanket. But what about our comforter? After I spray it, will I want to go ahead and use it too while the spray is doing its thing or should we wait several days? We use the comforter on top of a light blanket. It doesn’t come in contact with all of our body but certainly our face and neck and hands.
Also, is it best to wash the mattress cover, and comforter (it’s down alternative) first along with the sheets and blanket and then spray them along with the mattress itself?
Thanks so much. It’s been hard to find the answer on line.
To use the Norwex Mattress Spray, you simply need to spray a light mist over the surface of your mattress, pillows, stuffed animals, bedding, etc. 10 sprays does a twin mattress, 15 sprays does a queen-size mattress, and I would use 2-3 sprays for pillows or stuffed animals. Basically, you just want to make sure that the entire surface has been misted.
The Norwex Mattress Spray is completely safe for people and animals, even fresh from the bottle. If you spray your comforter, blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals, they can be safely used immediately. I always wait until they are dry to the touch, but even if they are still a little damp, the ingredients in the Mattress Spray will not hurt you. The Mattress Spray will continue to do its work, in whatever you’ve sprayed, for at least 4-6 months – the enzymes live in your mattress or duvet for that long!
If you want, you can wash your mattress cover and duvet before using the Norwex Mattress Spray, but it isn’t necessary for dust mite removal. I should also say that in order to kill the dust mites by washing, you need to do the wash in hot water – cold or warm water will not kill them or their eggs.
Thank you for including so much information on your site. I have recently ordered Norwex mattress cleaner from a local mom and was hoping to use it on a section of carpet that was spilled on several days and is now beginning to smell mildewy.
I believe I will try it, but am hoping you can tell me if I should pull up the carpet to spray the carpet pad too? And, perhaps the wood underneath as well?
Thank you!
Jill, I’m so glad you’re finding this site helpful! You most definitely can try the mattress spray for the mildewy smell, but you shouldn’t need to pull up the carpet; the enzymes in the Mattress spray will move their way through your carpet and into the carpet pad. If, however, it’s still damp under the carpet, I would recomend that you pull it up and make sure it’s completely dry before spraying it with the Mattress Spray. If the Mattress Spray doesn’t work to remove the smell, you could try the Odor Eliminator which is another one of the Norwex enzyme products. The enzymes in the Odor Eliminator targets the bacteria that cause the smell, and gets rid of them. I’ve used it on MANY smelly mattresses, carpets, & couches to get rid of an array of odours, from mildew to cat pee!
I recently purchased the Norwex Mattress Cleaner, SOO excited to use it! I sprayed my mattress, pillows, foam padding, feather bed… After about 48 hours everything I had sprayed now has yellow spots all over. How come the spray turned my bed yellow?
Oh No!!! That’s terrible Natasha 🙁 I’ve never heard of this happening before… yellow spots – the Norwex Mattress Spray is one of my most popular sellers, and this is the first time I’ve heard of this issue. You need to contact the Norwex consultant who you purchased your Mattress Spray from, and she will be able to get you a replacement bottle. In the meantime, I’m going to investigate a bit, and see if I can find out what might have caused the yellow spots. If you find out, please let me know!
The yellow may have to do with what was on your mattress before the spray. eg if your mattress was a bit dirty, the mattress spray may have just diluted that and dried in a way that it collected the dirt in spots. You should have wiped down the mattress first (just lightly, just to wipe off the layer of dust/dirt) before spraying it w the spray.