Trees bring so much to the table of the world, so to speak. I certainly take them for granted. I easily forget how they make everything better. Is there anything like the calming ‘shhhhh’ sound of their leaves on a windy day? That’s instant peace, right there! How I love the instant cool their shade offers when it’s uncomfortably hot outside. What a relief! I’ve recently been made aware of the ability of their roots to absorb water into the forest floor and prevent erosion, and flooding. Definitely something we don’t think about or notice! And of course: their gorgeous colours, the homes they offer to creatures, and converting Co2 into lovely Oxygen for you and me! Just think: Those are only some of the highlights of these magnificent beauties! Now that I think of it: trees are my favourite!
Party for the Planet
While partying with Norwex is always fun, and full of great goodies, there was an additional partnership to sweeten the party. Norwex partnered with American Forests, and every April Norwex party host had a tree planted on their behalf! What a breath of fresh air! American Forests is a conservation organization that has been planting trees and preserving forests in North America for over 140 years, and has projects across the United States and Canada. Some recent projects include the Whitebark Pine Project in Lillooet, BC and the Wildfire Relief Projects in the Western United States.
As a consultant, I love working for an organization that wants to make a difference. The longer I’m with Norwex, the more aware I am that this organization truly does want to make a positive impact on the world around them. The products themselves are a great start, since they offer people solutions to (real) dirty problems. And, they also radically reduce the amount of chemicals in our homes, and in the environment! Norwex takes it to the next level with partnerships like this one, setting a goal to plant 50,000 trees across North America.
Making it Official
Every individual that hosted a Norwex party in April received an email certificate in recognition of the tree planted in their name.

Norwex also planted 1 trees for every new consultant that joined Norwex who reached their first significant milestone. This milestone is reaching Step 1 in the Fresh Start Rewards program. Every new consultant is automatically enrolled in this year-long program. When new consultants reach the first goal in 15 days, they receive a package of free Norwex products. This package has a retail value of over $138! The program continues for the first 90 days of joining Norwex, with 5 additional reward packages available. If you want to know more about joining Norwex, and how you can get your hands on these freebies, check out my FAQ page.
When that milestone was reached, another tree was planted on behalf of the individual that recruited that new consultant. Trees are being planted left, right and center! I loved receiving my digital certificate for every tree that was planted in my name! Signs of more of my favourite things to come!
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