Isn’t it just so cute!
And practical to boot.
When I first started using the Norwex Laundry Detergent, I knew I needed to find a more permanent container to store it in… the plastic bag it comes in (which is recyclable, by the way) just wasn’t going to work for our family.
The bag is easily tipped over, and since I’m training my boys to do their own laundry, we needed a less tippy solution (pre-teen/teen boys are not known for excellent spatial awareness… there are arms flapping ALL over the place in this house!).
Enter this nifty little container from Winners/HomeSense. It comfortably fits a full bag of the Norwex Laundry detergent (the picture above is the whole bag – I had just emptied it in), and it seals shut to keep out humidity.
Oh, and did I mention, it doesn’t tip over easily 🙂
To make it pretty, I employed a Sharpie marker, and used my fanciest handwriting! I think it turned out quite well. So well, in fact, I keep it on my bathroom vanity for all to see!
Love the container – where can I find it?
I found this one at Winners/Homesense, but you could find something similar at almost any department store!
We found a container similar to this at Ikea to hold our Norwex Laundry Detergent too! And attached a magnet to the scoop to hold to the side of the container. Love the crafty idea for holding everything 🙂