I have got the Best and Creamiest Oatmeal recipe for you! This is a staple recipe in our home that will quickly become yours.
The Problem With Oatmeal
My issue with oatmeal was always the texture of it. Are you a texture person? If it’s a little lumpy, then – blugh!
Also, it’s BORING! Booooo! I always thought that oatmeal was the blandest breakfast in the universe.
I wasn’t a fan of oatmeal for breakfast, because of these two reasons. However, I came across this recipe and EVERYTHING CHANGED. I now CRAVE a warm bowl of oatmeal in the morning. And the added bonus of this recipe is that it is.so.easy!!!
So – WHY eat oatmeal?
The Benefits of Oatmeal
Oatmeal is one of the HEALTHIEST options out there for breakfast!
- Whole grain that is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
- Helps to curbs the ‘bad’ cholesterol
- Full of fiber, so you not only feel full and eat less, but it also eases constipation and controls blood sugars!
Not to mention: They’re so darn cheap! Yay for saving money! If you are living on a budget right now, add oatmeal to your meal plan for breakfast. Oats don’t cost much and they go a looooong way. They’re ridiculously cheaper than a box of cereal. AND, if you’re making your own oatmeal (not the little packets), they are a low-sugar breakfast (if you love yours sweetened, use a natural sweetner like Maple Syrup).
The Easiest and Creamiest Oatmeal Recipe Ever!

Best (and Creamiest) Oatmeal Recipe EVER!
- 2 cups Old-Fashioned Oats also known as Rolled Oats OR Steel Cut Oats
- 5 cups Water 6 cups if using steel cut oats
- 1 diced apple
- 1-2 tsp cinnamon
- Dash salt
- 1 Tbsp butter
The night before:
- Put oats in your crock pot
- Add water
- Add any of the optional options, if using
- Stir
- Place lid on crock pot
- Set on LOW for 6-8 hours overnight.
The next morning, your house will smell delicious! And your oatmeal will be warm, and instantly ready and I promise, this will be the creamiest oatmeal you’ve ever eaten!
If your crockpot gets really hot (like mine does), you may want only 5-6 hours of cooking, or the top of your oatmeal will get hard and crusty. The easiest solution to this (other than staying up until Midnight to turn your crockpot on) is to plug your crockpot into a TIMER. Like, the timers you use for lamps, or Christmas tree lights! You can put all of the ingredients in your crockpot before you go to bed, and just set it to turn on later at night, and automatically off in the morning (in case you sleep in)! If you don’t have one of these, they’re available in the stores RIGHT NOW for the holiday season (they won’t be until next Christmas), so make sure you get one!
Now – to deal with the boring part of oatmeal. Say bye-bye to your boring oatmeal with these topping ideas. What’s great is that its’ easy to mix up your bowl, from day to day, for so many different daily options:
Delicious Oatmeal Topping Ideas
- Cinnamon, ginger or pumpkin pie spice
- Chopped nuts, such as almonds, walnuts or pecans
- Swirl of almond butter
- Chia seeds
- Dried cranberries or raisins
- Fresh blueberries or raspberries
- Swirl of maple syrup or honey
What do you love to add to your oatmeal in the morning?
~ Suzanne
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