Have you been looking for THE all inclusive bathroom cleaner that not only works, but makes cleaning the bathroom less of an exhausting chore, AND isn’t a toxic waste factory? Then I’ve found the product you’ve been looking for!
I’ve tried out the Norwex Bathroom Cleaner out on multiple surfaces, in multiple homes, and I give it 5 stars . My experiences have demonstrated that this is a green product that actually works, saves you money, and leaves your tub so sparkly! It’s basically the product I spent my whole life looking for, that I now can’t live without. Once you start using the Bathroom Cleaner, you’ll never want to go back to any other product!
*This product was renamed and improved recently. You may know this product by its former name, Norwex Blue Diamond Cleaner*
All The Deets About the Norwex Bathroom Cleaner
- The Norwex Bathroom Cleaner is a concentrated, all-in-one bathroom cleaner. It’s a gel which can be used straight from the bottle OR diluted in a spray bottle (7 parts water : 1 part Blue Diamond Cleaner).
- This Bathroom Cleaner is DESCALING – which means it has ingredients (organic salts rather than strong corrosive acids) to “eat” and remove hard water build-up such as rust, calcium, and limescale as well as urine salts (did you know there was such a thing?).
- It also contains SURFACTANTS to help it better remove soap scum, grease, oil, dirt, and stains. Another function of surfactants is to aid in the rinsing process, to remove the product and the yuck from whatever surface you’re cleaning.
- It has natural CHELATING ingredients in it. “What are those?” you ask? Chelating agents are a special type of organic complexing agents that makes hard water softer. In the case of the Norwex Bathroom Cleaner, the chelating agent is non-toxic citric acid. By reducing the hardness of the water with a chelating agent, the other detergent ingredients (surfactants) are better able to clean, and you only have to use a small amount.
- It’s safe for septic systems.
Does NOT contain APE (alkylphenol ethoxylates) which mimics estrogen and has reproductive effects on aquatic organisms.
- Contains NO phosphates.
- It contains NO corrosive fumes or dangerous hydrochloric or phosphoric acid. It does contain some skin irritating ingredients, so you’ll want to wear gloves to avoid irritation.
- Artificial Fragrance free. While it does have a very light scent, the product doesn’t have artificial perfume or fragrance to give it that scent.
WARNING: If you switch to this product, and you run out without having a backup bottle on hand, you’ll have Michael Bolton singing in your head until you get some … “How Am I supposed to Live Without You ?!” (based on actual personal experience ). Or maybe you won’t be able to get ” I’m Missing You Now ” out of your head!
Where and How to Use the Norwex Bathroom Cleaner
The Bathroom Cleaner is great for:
- Toilets – great for that build up under the rim and hard water rings inside the bowl.
- Sinks, faucets, & vanities
- Bathtubs (both tiled and tub surround units)
- Shower & Shower Doors… A-MAZING for glass shower doors that are covered in hard water spots!
- NOTE: It’s NOT recommended for natural stone surfaces, such as marble or granite. As well, use caution when using it on “brushed” metal – most often that brushed look is created by a special coating on the stainless steel, and the acids in the this cleaner may eat away at it.
How to Use it in Your Toilet
- DEEP CLEANING – Does you toilet have built up “crusties” under the rim and a brown rust ring at the water level? First, empty as much water out of the toilet bowl as possible by poring a bucket of water into the bowl. Squirt a stream of Bathroom Cleaner under the rim of the bowl, and let it run down to coat the ugly rust ring. Let it sit for at least 10-15 min. Using the Norwex Spirinetts, GENTLY & LIGHTLY start to scrub the rust ring and any accumulated rust under the rim. NOTE: Don’t scrub too hard as you don’t want to scratch the porcelain. If it’s really bad, you may have to do this process a couple of times. And voila, your toilet will be white again!
- ROUTINE/WEEKLY CLEANING – Just add a few drops to your toilet brush (the Ergonomic Norwex Brush works great), and swish it around your toilet like you normally would. You can let it sit in the bowl for awhile for further descaling, if you need to.
The Bathroom Cleaner really shines when used in showers and tubs. It essentially reduces the amount of work you do and makes things REALLY shiny. Sometimes, I go back into the bathroom to admire my handiwork (I know you do it too) and imagine there is an actual sparkle that makes that ‘magic shimmer sound’ when I walk in. Like this sound:
Audio PlayerHow to Use it in Your Showers & Tubs
- DILUTED – Use 1 part Bathroom Cleaner and 9 parts water and mix in a spray bottle. (you can use a stronger concentration of the cleaner if you have really hard water and find the 9:1 isn’t strong enough). Simply spray the diluted Bathroom Cleaner on all the dirty surfaces and then let it sit for about 10 min. Then, take a wet Norwex Enviro Cloth or (even better) the Norwex Bathroom Scrub Mitt, and scrub away the dirt and cleaner. Now, just rinse and you’re done.
- UNDILUTED – Wet the walls of your shower and tub, add a few drops to the scrubby side of the bathroom scrub mitt or Enviro cloth, and clean away. This method is best if you’re in maintenance mode, and there’s not weeks worth of hard water build up. If you’ve neglected your cleaning routine for a while, you would need to use more than a few drops, and let it sit for 10 or so minutes before scrubbing it.
I love that you don’t need much of this concentrated product, so you don’t need to be apprehensive about its small size . It is TOTALLY worth the price tag.
The added benefit of cleaning with this cleaner, that I have found, is that it keeps glass shower doors clean LONGER, compared to other products that they’ve used! That means less cleaning for you! *cue Michael Bolton celebratory tune, such as ‘Fools Game’*
First of all I’d like to say I’m thankful to have happened to see your posts. I love for my bathtubs and showers to shine and not have water spots. I know you can use your enviro cloth and wipe off ever time. If I would use the Blue Diamond or the regular bathroom cleaner would I need to wipe off after every time. I hate water spots.
Thank you!
Does Blue Diamond clean the bacteria and germs from the toilet bowl? If so, how? Or which ingredient is removing the germs?
Yes, this cleaner removes bacteria and germs from the toilet bowl. Urea, Monohydrochloride contribute to remove them.
Have you ever tried this product on oil rubbed bronze?? Or do you have a Norwex recommendation to clean hard water off of oil rubbed bronze? Thanks
I would definitely keep this off of oil rubbed bronze. Hard water stains on rubbed bronze and brushed stainless steel are tricky. I have yet to find a Norwex solution for set in water stains, sorry! My best advice would just be to keep it as dry in between uses as possible, to avoid future build up (not the easiest thing, I know!)
I used Blue Diamond to clean water/chemical stains from the front panel of our Jacuzzi Hot Tub. It was amazing! It took very little effort or time.
how much blue diamond do you use on glass shower doors
Hi Sandra, try diluting your Blue Diamond cleaner in a spray bottle with water (1 part blue diamond to 7 parts water). Just spray this dilution until the shower door is covered. Works best when you wait about 10 minutes before you wipe~
Can Blue Diamond be used on Corian countertops?
Hi Karen – on a Corian Countertop, it’s recommended that you use one of Norwex’s microfiber products, such as an EnviroCloth or Window Cloth. They would clean the surface effectively for you in most cases! If you need a little ‘extra’ clean, you can use the Mold and Mildew Stain Remover, which works well to clean stone surfaces!
How long does one bottle last you?
Tiffany, this is a really tricky question to answer, as it depends on many factors, such as: if you are using it for just inside your toilet, or for inside your shower as well. Or, if you’re using it in a single shower, or a shower/tub combo. It would also depend on how many bathrooms you have in your home! Therefore, I can’t accurately provide you with a length of time. I can tell you, though, that since it’s highly concentrated, you don’t need very much. And since you dilute it when using in the shower, that makes it stretch even longer. In my experience, it’s excellent value for your money!
I always clean my shower while taking a shower because, just like the Norwex laundry soap, heat activates the product beautifully and makes it much more effective.
Thanks for the idea!
Can you use blue diamond and degreaser on an acrylic tub and shower?
I have not been able to find any information about Norwex products and
Acrylic tubs.
Our shower is all tile but we also have a trim of travertine tile around the center, does that count as “natural stone” or should the blue diamond be ok to use on that too? That’s honestly probably our biggest problem area with build up.
I would hesitate to use the blue diamond on travertine unless you check with the manufacturer to make sure it is okay.
Is Blue Diamond safe to use on plastic tubs and shower stalls? Such as those found in manufactured homes.
Yes; it’s fine on plastic tubs. Thanks!
Is the blue diamond good on soap scum? Honestly, I’ve even soaked my tub in bleach and had trouble.
Yes; I think the Blue Diamond works well on soap scum, especially with our Bathroom Scrub Mitt.
I have hard water build up on my toilet that is from calcium, not rust. I tried to let blue diamond sit for 10 minutes and attack it with a spirinett and have scratched the bowl! Any suggestions?
Hi Kaila. Did you remove the water from the bowl first? That may help, and you could try the spirisponge with it. That would be more gentle. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Kaila – you have two possible options. You could try our Descaler (get rid of the liquid in the bowl by dumping a bucket of water in the bowl first), and letting that sit. Another option is to use the Cleaning Paste, with a slightly abrasive sponge!
Hi! If I have the ergonomic toilet brush, do I really need the blue diamond cleaner to clean my toilets each week? I was hoping that I could only use the toilet brush without any other products. Thanks!
Hi Heather. I think it works better with the blue diamond. Thanks for stopping by!
hi Deja. I am a new Norwex Consultant. I have a customer who would like to know what is the best product to clean boats? Have you had any post on that subject. Thanks and I love your web site. Stumbled on it looking for reviews for my first purchases of enviro cloths and the mop system. Love them!
Hi Louise, I don’t have any personal experience with cleaning boats, especially the outside of the boat (algae, etc.), so I’m not sure if the Norwex Blue Diamond would work for that. I do know that for the interior, you can treat it just like you would your home, especially larger boats with an indoor cabin… someone could use the Enviro Cloth, Window Cloth, Blue Diamond, Spirisponge, Cleaning Paste, Micro Hand Pad, Leather Care… any number of Norwex products really, depending on the job at hand. If any readers have experience with cleaning boats using Norwex products, I would love to hear them!
Yes Tami, you can use the Blue Diamond on your porcelain tub. It will leave it nice and shiny!
I have a porcelain tub that has been reglazed! I usually clean it w Lysol tub & tile spray! Can I use Blue Diamond in it? Thank you