Being a mom can be one of life’s most rewarding and fulfilling experiences. Still, it can also be incredibly overwhelming at times. With so much to do and so little time, it’s easy to feel like you’re not doing enough, you’re not doing it right, or you’re just not cut out for motherhood. But the truth is, every mom sometimes feels overwhelmed. And I bet since you’ve made it this far, you’re an overwhelmed working mom looking for help!
I have been a working mom since my boys were little. I totally get how overwhelming it can be. Here are some tips for you if you feel like the busy, overwhelmed working mom that feels on the brink!

Tip 1. Extend Grace to Yourself
It’s easy to be hard on yourself when you feel you’re not meeting your own (overly-high) expectations. Working moms do not give themselves enough grace. We believe that we need to do it all. I don’t know why we think that! We are the hardest on ourselves regarding the expectations of a working mother. We want to have it all together, have beautiful meals prepared for our family, and have a pristine, clean home. But the reality is one person can’t do all that!
When you feel like you’re not doing enough, remind yourself of all the things you have accomplished and the love and care you give your family. It may help to take some time to journal what you’re accomplishing as a mom. Seeing the list of what you’re doing will surprise you to see just how much you’re actually doing.
Tip 2. Ask For Help
As a mom, it’s easy to feel like you have to do everything yourself, but that’s unrealistic. It’s essential to use help from others when you need it. Whether asking your partner to take the kids for a few hours, calling on a friend to watch the kids while you run errands, or hiring a babysitter so you can have some time to yourself, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Yes, this can also include hiring help for cleaning. While this blog focuses a lot on how to clean with products that reduce harsh cleaners and save you time, who says it can’t be someone else that’s doing the cleaning!?!
You need to be like the main characters of your favorite stories, who have friends who help them out. For example, Harry Potter was the great wizard who defeated Lord Voldemort, right? But if you look back at every time Harry battled Lord Voldemort (or any ‘bad wizard’), he had his friends by his side, helping him out. Also, pay attention to the fact that Harry didn’t do things perfectly, nor did he know what he was doing (relatable?!)! Thank goodness for the people in his life who cared about him and were willing to help him. I know Harry is a fictional character, but this story outline (and many others) is taken from the lives of successful, REAL people (minus the evil powerful wizard).
I’ve learned from being a working mom that as my kids have gotten older, they are more than capable of contributing to household tasks too, and their help on these tasks is essential to get through every week. Tasks such as taking the garbage out, pet care, setting the table, helping with meal prep, making beds, wiping down bathroom sinks and counters, and doing laundry are all assigned to my kids. It’s a double win on this one since you’re helping them become confident, independent adults as well 😉
Tip 3. Prioritize Self-Care
Self-care is not selfish; it’s essential. Taking care of yourself is not only good for you, but it’s also good for your family. When you prioritize time for yourself, you can better show up for your family and be the best mom you can be. Whether taking a bubble bath, going for a walk, reading a book, or spending time with girlfriends, find something that fills your cup and makes you feel rejuvenated.

Tip 4. Simplify Your Life
Sometimes the overwhelm comes from having too much on your plate. Simplifying your life can help you feel more in control and reduce stress. Whether decluttering your home, saying no to commitments that don’t serve you, or delegating tasks to others, find ways to simplify your life and make it more manageable.
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