Does your front-load washing machine STINK?
Do you feel like you’ve been smacked in the face by an old, dirty dishcloth every time you open your front-load washing machine door? And do your clothes end up smelling musty when they are finished being washed?
If you did your research before you purchased your front load machine, you would have discovered that a front-load machine uses significantly less water and detergent than a top-load machine….great for your bank account! But the smell! Blech!
“Apparently,” there are things you can do to try to get rid of the odor, like leave the door of the machine open in between cycles to dry it out, wipe out the sludge from the rubber seal around the door, use HE liquid detergent, and use less than half the amount than the bottle instructs you to use.
Unfortunately, at the end of the day, these things don’t seem to solve the problem of a stinky front load washing machine – BUT, there is something that does:
Norwex Laundry Detergent – AKA UPP (Ultra Power Plus)
The Norwex Laundry Detergent significantly reduces (and in most cases completely eliminates) the smell from your front-load washing machine. It may take a couple of weeks or more of laundry cycles before you start to notice it (it takes time to get rid of the stinky sludge in the machine), but it will go away! Hooray!!!
Here are some fabulous facts about this detergent:
- Norwex Laundry Detergent is highly concentrated. For a top-load machine, you only have to use 1-2 tablespoons per load, and for a front-load washing machine, the amount needed is reduced to 1/2 – 2 teaspoons per load of laundry.
- Norwex Laundry Detergent contains no fillers or perfumes, which means that there is no filler residue left on your clothes. This is great for 3 reasons:
- The fillers and perfumes are usually the cause for allergic reactions and skin sensitivities.
- The fillers that stay in your clothes contribute to fading and thinning of the fabric of the clothes, so your favorite black shirt quickly turns fades and stretches out. The Norwex detergent doesn’t have fillers so your clothes will stay looking newer, for longer. You may even notice a reduction of lint in your dryer lint trap – the lint is the fabric that is degraded enough to “fall off” your clothes.
- The fillers from store brand laundry soap increase the amount of static you will have when you dry your clothes in the dryer, and the filler residue will leave your clothes “crunchy” if you dry your clothes on a clothesline. The Norwex detergent leaves no filler residue, so your clothes have less static in the dryer, and are less stiff on the clothesline. For even softer, fluffier clothes, use the Norwex Dryer Balls in the dryer!
- It’s Phosphate free and doesn’t have chlorine or bleach
- The detergent is certified HE (High Efficiency), so it’s great for front-load washing machines and agitator free top-load washers
- And the MOST fabulous thing about the Norwex Laundry Detergent? The disgusting smell from your front load washing machine will be gone!
This product deserves 5 huge stars – it’s one of the Norwex products that I couldn’t live without!
I’d love to hear your laundry, detergent, and washing machine stories, and if you’ve used the Norwex Detergent, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments section below!
If you’re new to making your laundry routine healthier, Norwex has a whole line of “clean” laundry products for every laundry job you could encounter! I’ve reviewed them all!
You suggest using 1/2 tsp of the powder for a normal load. The packaging says 20mL, which is about 4 tsp; for a small load, it suggests 10 mL/2 tsp. How are you getting so much more out of the detergent?
With soft water, that’s what most of my customers use for a small load. I use about 1 1/2 tsp for an extra large capacity machine.
I have been using the Norwex laundry detergent since July 2019. My front end washer still has the moldy smell. I am very frustrated about that but the detergent is so economical (with the small amount needed for each load), I refuse to try something else!
Do you regularly clean your HE? There are spots, especially in a front loader, where I’ve heard mildew builds up if you don’t leave it open between washings. Thanks!
Hi Brenda, have you tried running your washer on HOT with about 2 cups of vinegar in it. I would let machine fill up and let soak for an hour or so then proceed with the cycle. I hope this helps. I love my NORWEX 😊
I Am very interested in the liquid detergent, but I like for my clothes to have fresh smell. Is there anything I can put it in just to give it something
Hi Lynn. The most popular thing I’ve seen people do to add a light scent is to use the wool dryer balls and add an essential oil of their choosing. Then you choose exactly what natural scent your clothes smell like.
I just purchased the liquid laundry detergent and it has no instructions as to how much to use. I previously used the powder and thought I’d like to try the liquid.
Hi Jean. If you peel open the sticker on the back, it has the instructions there. I’m sorry; I know it’s a bit tricky to find them. Thanks for stopping by!
Jean the instructions are on the inside of the label, bottom right corner peel it back. I hope this helps.
Not sure why they did it though 😊
I have been using Norwex detergent for about 6months. We bought a top loading washing machine 16 months ago and I have been having problems with lint on wash especially dark polyester. Yesterday I had a repairman to see if he could fix the problem and he said it was my detergent. He said I need to use liquid he detergent.
My bag of Norwex does not say high efficiency so the repairman said that was the problem. I only use 1/2 teaspoon and my wash always gets clean. I do not think my detergent is the problem but need more information before I can go back to the Appliance Store. Has Norwex ultra power plus always been high efficiency?
The Norwex laundry detergent has always been completely safe for HE washing machines, but it’s only now that the detergent is officially labeled as being HE. I just can’t imagine why how the Norwex detergent would contribute to lint getting on your clothes… I’m stumped. I’ve been using the Norwex detergent in my HE front load washer for 6 years, and have never had a lint issue. I’m sorry I can’t help you more 🙁
Hi Sylvia, when washing dark clothes it is often recommended on the label to turn the garment inside out.
What is in the Norwex laundry detergent? I know it is supposed to be great for allergies, but twice now I have broken out in hives immediately after putting on clothes that were washed with it. I can’t find ingredients anywhere online.
Hmmm… hives are not good! I’m so sorry to hear that Shelly. I actually don’t have access to the full ingredient list (trademark issues), but if you tell me what you are allergic to, I will contact Norwex and they will be able to verify whether it is in the detergent or not.
Hi Deja,
I love the detergent but I’m finding mixed reviews of having to dissolve it for an HE machine and not having to. What’s the official stance by Norwex?
Hi Erin, if I’m doing a cold water wash, then I will sometimes dissolve the Norwex laundry detergent in warm water before adding it to my machine, however, it’s not necessary. Norwex doesn’t have an official stand on whether to dissolve it first or not.
I have an HE front load washer so I put 1 tsp. of Norwex powder in half a cup of warm water and shake it up before I put it in the washer cup. I hope this is ok or do I need more water to flush through?
Fran, I also have an HE front load washer, and I just add the powder without pre-dissolving it! You are definitely going to be ok by adding the 1/2 cup. 🙂
I use the Norwex Laundry detergent and like you have a front load HE washer. After about a week and half of using the detergent the oder you had mentioned disappeared and the slimy residue under the seal was no longer there. However after using the detergent for about 7 months now I am getting the order back. Have you experienced this or do you have any suggestions. I also use vinegar in the rinse dispenser but that does not seem to help.
Angela, I’ve noticed the same kind of cycle with my washing machine, and I find that sometimes the musty smell comes a little bit during the hotter, more humid months of the year, and if I forget to quickly take the clothes from the washer and put them in the dryer. I also find that doing a couple of really hot cycles in the washing machine can help, and the best bit of advice I’ve recently received; throw a couple of old towels in at the hottest setting, and use powdered dishwasher detergent. The dishwasher detergent is basically non-sudsing, and is designed to eat slimy crud. I don’t do this often, maybe just once a year, but I find it effective if I’m noticing the smell returning! Hope this helps 🙂
I LOVE the Norwex laundry detergent!!! I am getting ready to shampoo my carpets with my home Bissell rug shampooer and thinking of using the detergent? Any opinions on this? has anyone done this ? Results?
Hi Deanna, sorry for my late response… the Peterson house has been a bit crazy this month! If you’re going to wash your carpets, the Norwex Carpet Stain Buster is the Norwex product of choice. There are actually instructions on the bottle for using it in a carpet cleaner. I’m not so sure I’d use the Norwex Laundry Detergent… that being said, maybe you already have used it, and if so I’d LOVE to hear your results!
I’ve been using the Norwex detergent for about a month and the dryer balls around 3 months. Since starting the detergent, I am consistently having to rewash several loads a week. For some reason, most of my clothes are coming out with a soured smell. Am I doing something wrong? My husband is insisting we go back to using ALL.
Jennifer, this is a tough one… One thing I know, is that the fragrance in most laundry detergents like TIDE and ALL, and fabric softeners like BOUNCE, simply mask the smell that is in the clothes, and also contributes to it. What usually causes clothes to get that funky, musty smell is soap residue not fully rinsed out of the fibers. It’s probably been in your clothes all along, but now that there’s not heavy fragrance to mask it, you’re noticing it. My suggestion (and this has worked VERY well for me in the past) is to add 1 cup of vinegar to to your rinse water. The vinegar will strip the soap residue from your clothes, and help get rid of old build up and the musty, sour smell. You may have to do this a few times to fully get rid of the residue, but once you do, you’ll notice a huge difference, and the Norwex Laundry Detergent will do what it’s supposed to – get your clothes clean without leaving soap residue in them!
I recently started using Norwex detergent and I’m not happy. My son has been wetting his bed at night. I originally used the recommended tsp for a front load he washer. I could still smell the urine. Then consultant told me to use 2 tsp. I did that and it worked with that load. (after two washes). The next time my son wet the sheets I automatically started with 2 tsp. Urine smell didn’t come out. What am I doing wrong ? Everyone swears by this stuff. I’m not sold on it yet.
Melanie, I’m really sorry you’re not having a good experience with the Norwex laundry detergent. I also have 2 bed wetters, and use the Norwex detergent… my sheets never smell like pee once they’ve been washed so I’m not quite sure how to advise you. There have been some occasions when my son “leaked a little” in his pants, and then put them in the dirty laundry hamper without telling me… 3 days later, I find them while doing laundry – yuck! To make sure the smell comes out, I wash them in hot water (warm at least) with the Norwex laundry detergent, and add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle – vinegar works wonders for removing smells from laundry, just make sure you add it in the rinse, not with the detergent. If you’re still not satisfied with the Norwex detergent, just let your consultant know that you’d like to return it for a refund!
couple of questions for you:
1. do you dissolve the detergent in water first or just put it in like a regular powdered detergent?
2. if you do leave it as a powder – do you sprinkle it in the drum with the clothes or do you put it in the washer’s automatic dispenser?
Hi Debbie! Please see my answer in blue!
1. do you dissolve the detergent in water first or just put it in like a regular powdered detergent? If you’re laundering in cold water, then yes, I would recommend dissolving the Norwex detergent first, but I generally do a warm water wash, and I never dissolve before adding it to the washing load.
2. if you do leave it as a powder – do you sprinkle it in the drum with the clothes or do you put it in the washer’s automatic dispenser? I put the detergent in the washers automatic dispenser, but I’m hesitant to recommend this as a general rule. In my machine, the water that fills the drum, first comes through the detergent dispenser container, and does a good job of flushing it into the machine. You would want to make sure that in your machine, the powdered detergent isn’t going to clog your dispenser. If you’re going to add the detergent to the drum instead of through the automatic dispenser, then I would recommend dissolving it first in a cup of warm/hot water.
how is the detergent on stain removal?
I have 4 young kids, use only the Norwex Laundry detergent, and have found it to be just as good at stain removal as the store brand detergents. For stains that are likely to be difficult to get out of your clothes, like grease, tomato, chocolate, blood, grass, etc., I would still pre-treat your clothes with stain remover. You can make a paste with a little water and the Norwex Laundry Detergent, and rub it into the stain – it works really well. Norwex also carries a Stain Remover (pre-wash), that is fantastic on all organic stains. I use it and love it!