How to Deep Clean Norwex Microfiber Cloths so they smell fresh again!
I LOVE my Norwex microfiber cloths – all of them: the EnviroCloths, Face Cloths (Body Pack), and Kitchen cloths. I use them to clean everything in my house.
For the first few months after getting them, I thought that the “sour cloth smell” was a thing of the past – my Norwex cloths never smelled bad – I was a happy cleaner!
Within a few months, however, my beloved Norwex cloths began to smell sour and stinky, just like my cotton cloths – GROSS.
Then I remembered a bit of advice another Norwex consultant had given me about deep cleaning the Norwex cloths when they’ve been used for REALLY dirty or greasy jobs – give them a deep clean using the Norwex Laundry Detergent.
So, if you have Norwex cloths that smell awful, don’t despair! Here’s how to get them smelling like new again.
Norwex has a new Microfiber Cleaner which is even MORE EFFECTIVE than the Laundry Detergent Method outlined below.
Read my post to find why using the Norwex Microfiber Cleaner is my preferred way to deep-clean my Norwex cloths: “Why You’ll Love the New Microfiber Cleaner & Laundry Booster.”

If you already have the powdered Norwex Laundry Detergent (Ultra Power Plus Detergent) and you’re not quite ready to purchase the Microfiber Cleaner & Laundry Booster, follow the steps below to get your Norwex cloths smelling fresh again!
How to Deep Clean Norwex Cloths (& other Norwex Microfiber) Using Norwex Laundry Detergent
(For degreasing and cleaning stinky, smelly microfiber cloths)

1. Fill your bathroom or kitchen sink (or a bucket) with very hot tap water or boiling water from a kettle.
I generally use about 4 liters of water. You will need to ensure that your cloths have room to move in the water and are completely submerged, so the amount of water you use will depend on how many cloths you are cleaning.
2. Dissolve Norwex Ultra Power Plus Laundry Detergent in the water.
I use 1 scoop of detergent for every 2 liters of water. Yes, this is WAY more than what you use for a normal load of laundry, but necessary to deep clean your cloths. As mentioned above, you will need more water for more cloths, so be sure to use enough water and adjust your Laundry Detergent accordingly.
3. Add the cloths to the soapy water and soak for at least 30 minutes.
I generally let them soak until the water is cool, closer to an hour or more. I also agitate them periodically to get the soap and water moving through the fibers.
The first time I deep cleaned my Norwex microfiber I was horrified at the intense brown color of the water in the sink after the cloths had soaked. I guess it’s an example of how amazing these little cloths are at picking up and holding dirt.
4. Rinse
Rinse each cloth thoroughly with hot water and wring the water out. If you’re not planning on laundering your cloths after soaking them, it is very important to thoroughly rinse them as soap residue left in your microfiber will contribute to them beginning to stink again.
5. Launder OR Dry the cloths
For me, deep cleaning is most often the first step in laundering my Norwex microfiber. After rinsing my cloths I usually toss them directly into the washing machine then launder them in hot water with a vinegar water rinse to get any detergent residue out of the fibers. However, you can also just toss them in a dryer and dry them on a hot setting.
While a hot dryer is best, you can hang them to dry as well.
Your Norwex Microfiber cloths should smell clean and odor-free!
If your Norwex cloths are REALLY smelly, you might need to repeat steps 1-3 until the soapy water doesn’t go dark brown when the cloths are soaked.
Frequently Asked Questions about Deep Cleaning
Q: Can I boil my Norwex cloths to deep clean them?
A: While this USED TO BE one of the suggested deep cleaning methods, it is no longer recommended. In fact, it is strongly discouraged as it isn’t good for the microfiber.
Q: Can I use the Norwex Liquid Laundry Detergent to deep clean my microfiber?
A: No, the liquid laundry detergent doesn’t have the same deep-cleaning ability as the powdered laundry detergent.
If you found this post useful and your Norwex Microfiber smells fresh again, please take a moment to share this information with your friends! Thanks for stopping by ~Suzanne
Can deep cleaning be done with Norwex Liquid Detergent or does one have to use Norwex Powder Detergent?
The Norwex liquid laundry detergent doesn’t work well for deep cleaning, only the powdered detergent. You can also use the Microfiber Cleaning & Laundry Booster – it’s fantastic for deep cleaning Norwex microfiber!
I am currently using the liquid norwex laundry detergent and it is not getting the underarm odor out of our clothes. Any thoughts?
I find that most people have better luck with the powder detergent and adding odour eliminator. The Norwex Microfiber Cleaner & Laundry Booster is also fantastic for deodorizing loads of laundry!
I love my Norwex cloths and this community has helped me so much! Thank you Norwex representatives and company!
What is the enviro cloth meant for? My new addition! Thanks?
So happy to hear! You can learn more about the EnviroCloth here: https://healthyhomecleaning.com/norwex-microfiber-enviro-cloth/
Hey Suzanne,
Thank you! I suspected for some time that the simple boiling of water was insufficient. The cloths are currently sitting in the sink so I can’t report the final outcome yet, but I do want to say that I boiled these cloths for 10 minutes right before doing this but this time the water is more brown and stinks way worse than it has in a long time! I’m very excited! If I continue to have issues I will try the distilled water technique you recommended!
Thanks again for a fabulous post!
I think I messed up all my cloths. I had to use one and I didn’t realize car grease got on it. I thought it was just extra dirty I boiled it then put it in the wash with all my other cloths. Now they all smell like car grease. I have washed them in the washer several times and still smell car grease. I don’t know what to do. Help please.
This deep clean method is the one that seems to be the most effective for car grease, Sharon. Most people will need to do it two to three times. I’d recommend you try it a few times. You can also try the Norwex Microfiber Cleaner & Laundry Booster.
Thank you so much for the step by step directions for deep cleaning! It worked beautifully! I LOVE all my NORWEX products, but the body cloths and kitchen cloths were getting pretty smelly. I read all the comments and learned so much more about microfiber. Wonderful website!
This worked so well! Thank you for these directions. I couldn’t believe how brown the water was! YUCK! I always clean my cloths this way now.
I’ve only had my envirocloths for a few weeks. Since day 1 of needing to clean them I’ve been washing them using this method with norwex’s detergent and I still get smelly cloths a day or so after regular use. I use them on the kitchen counters and that’s it. Always ringing out after each use and air drying. Making sure they’re well rinsed from the deep method before tossing them in a dryer. What gives? It’s crazy to me when I read that other customers have been smell free of their cloths for months because mine started smelling a week or two after using them! It’s so frustrating because I feel like I baby them and take care of them exactly how you recommend!
Please help!
Hi Jordan,
Sorry to hear that you’re having a negative experience with your EnviroCloths. I myself haven’t had this issue, but I’ll try my best to offer you some suggestions!
*Ensure that you are – rinsing really well, with running water, in between uses.
– avoiding contact with soapy dish water (if you don’t use a green or natural dish soap)
– air drying by hanging up by the tag, not folding or draping over a counter, sink, faucet
There is a possibility that they may be picking up an odour from your washing machine. I know that front loaders are notorious for holding onto smells. Try cleaning out the drum of your washing machine, based on manufacturer’s suggestions. Also know that certain mineral contents, and hard water, can cause your cloths to develop a bad odour. If you try these things, and are still unhappy with your cloths, contact your consultant directly! We have a 60 day return policy, as well as a two year warranty on your cloths. Hope some of this info help, Jordan. Best of luck!
I so appreciate your tact in responding to comments. Kindness matters! I love my Norwex cloths -all of them! They are soaking in hot water now for their pick me up, which works great! Have a nice day!!
Can I wash my face/body clothes in hot water using my sanitize setting on my washing machine along with my dusting and my blue enviro clean clothes? Should I was them separately? I’d like to save water and electricity and wash them altogether, but if I can’t, that’s ok, I just can’t seem to find an answer!
Yes; that would be fine.
Hi! I am currently using your deep clean method on my body cloths. I have a water softener but there is still a lot of clear iron in my water. I think I remember something about hard water affecting the fibers. The body cloth I use daily on my face is no longer soft and supple. Your deep cleaning method has removed the odor, but unfortunately my cloth is still kind of rough, like a cheap wash cloth. Any suggestions?
I would recommend doing a deep clean again but using distilled water. If you have minerals in your water, they can build up in the cloth but doing a deep clean in distilled water should help.
I will have to try this with mine. I absolutely love my Norwex cloths. Can’t imagine cleaning without them!
This will be my first time deep cleaning my cloths…how long to i wait to put them into the boiling water in the sink….im concerned i will “melt” them! Thanks!
They won’t melt if you pour boiling water on them in the sink. But do not boil them on the stove – this is not recommended by Norwex as a way to deep clean microfiber cloths.
I have purchased a number of Norwex products and have been satisfied with most of the cleaning cloths; however, every body cloth and the shower mit has mold spots. I would never feel comfortable using these products again. Has anyone else had this problem and what is the cause?
Hi Dee, I can honestly say that I have never heard of any of the Norwex body cloths, or the shower mitt, getting mold spots! I’ve had some of mine for 7 years, and we live near the ocean, in damp air, and mine have never grown mildew. The only time I have heard of this issue is from people who put wet Enviro Cloths in a plastic baggy, and forget them there for days and days. I understand that you would not feel comfortable using them! You should contact the Norwex consultant whom you purchased your cloths from, and she will be able to help you further.
My enviro cloth smells fine but if I use it to wash anything it makes it smell. Like right now my cupboards smell rank and my enviro cloth smells fine. Do I need to deep clean the rag? I rinse out with dish soap as needed and launder once a week. Frustrated. But not sure since cloth smells fine.
HI Sarah,
I would recommend a deep clean. Although, it is strange that your cloth isn’t smelly. Typically the smelly cloth leaves a smell behind on the surface it touches. Going forward, a deep clean should help. I would also stop rinsing with dish soap in between uses. It’s possible that you’re getting a lot of dish soap residue left in your cloth, which is contributing to the smell (it coats the silver, which then can’t purify the cloth). Just give it a good rub and rinse under running water after each use. If it’s heavily soiled, then you should launder it. Having a few EnviroCloths on hand helps keep them rotated :o) Let me know how you make out!
I make my own laundry detergent with washing soda, borax and Ivory bar soap. Will this harm my Norwex cloths? Thanks
Deb, as long as there’s not bleach in it, you will be fine to use your homemade laundry detergent with your Norwex cloths!
Thanks so much, I’m so glad I found this website, I love my norwex cloths and now I know how to better care for them!!!
hi, I have found your site very informative. Thank You. My question is: when you refer to NOT leaving the kitchen cloth in soapy water, as the soap will/can coat the silver, do you also mean Norwex Dish Detergent? I thought Norwex Dish detergent had no fillers/ etc . I use the Norwex dish detergent, but have to admit over time my cloths do smell !!!!! I was pretty bummed about that!!!! I have since done the deep clean and all is good in my Norwex world again, would still like to hear if I can put my kitchen cloth in the sink with Norwex dish soap?????
Thanks again”………………..Bev E
Hi Bev,
Any soap, whether it is Norwex Dish Detergent or not, is going to coat the fibers of your cloth, over time, causing a very bad smell. Even without soap, microfiber does need deep cleaning every once in a while. Norwex kitchen cloths are not meant to be used for washing dishes in soapy water (while laundering in soap is doable, since they are rinsed so well and soap doesn’t linger as much). They are meant for wiping down kitchen surfaces and countertops with JUST water. However, the Norwex Dish Cloth (a netted type cloth) IS meant for dishwashing, and while it can eventually get smelly from bacteria build up, it takes MUCH longer than the average cotton or microfiber cloth and does not require much maintenance. Norwex Spirisponges and Spirinetts are also great alternatives to dish washing. Since those products aren’t great at wiping down counters and surfaces, they’re great partners for your Kitchen cloths!
Can I use bi-carb to wash or deep clean my kitchen scrub cloth?
Suzie, bi-carb (baking soda) will not harm your kitchen scrub cloth, so it’s fine if it’s laundered with it. Deep cleaning with it is fine too, although I don’t know how effective it will be, as I’ve never tried it or heard of others trying it.
Hi, I’m new to Norwex and I’m trying to find information that actually proves and shows that the surface I wipe with my enviro cloth is actually clean. I’m just new to not spraying a disinfectant on my counter after getting raw meat, or eggs on my counter. I want to be sure I’m not putting my family in danger. I love my cloth so far, but I have this little twinge of worry that I’m not killing the bacteria. I understand the silver and microfiber, but have you seen any reports that could help me understand a little more? Thank you so much!
Hi Amber,
This is a concern many ‘new’ norwex users have. It is so different from what we’re used to that it’s hard to wrap our heads around! Here is a great video of some lab testing on a news station that demonstrates how Norwex microfiber is more than able to pick everything up! https://www.healthyhomecleaning.com/norwex-scientific-review/ Here is a link to a ‘home’ video by another consultant to show how it can clean up raw chicken too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o_ngPZmUpg
Hope these help you better understand Norwex microfiber!
Why does my netted washcloth stink and how can I clean it without using Norwex detergent?
Your netted dishcloth is not made of microfiber, so you can use bleach to wash it, if you really can’t get the smell out of it (but don’t tell anyone that I suggested bleach!). I would recommend though, that you wash it in really hot water to get the smell out.
Would she be able to put it on the top shelf of her dishwasher to clean it? That’s what i do and have not had any trouble.
Teri, that’s a great idea!
Shouldn’t they not get smelly in the first place with the embedded silver? I thought that was the point. No bacterial growth should mean no smell.
Chelsie, the silver can only handle so much bacteria before being overloaded. If there is more bacteria than the silver can effectively “handle”, then they take over. This is especially true if the cloth isn’t given any time to dry between uses. If you read through my “How to Wash Norwex Microfiber” post, you’ll get a better explanation!
I have used the deep clean method to clean my dish cloths, but they fade terribly in the Norwex Laundry Detergent. Regular hot water doesn’t cause them to “bleed” their color, but the Norwex Detergent always causes this. My dish cloths are now lighter in color than their matching dish towels! I have the latte and red ones.
Any suggestions or comments why this is happening and what I can do about it? Thanks for your imput!
Hmmm… Linda I’m not sure what to tell you about your fading cloths. I’ve never really paid attention to the color of my dish cloths, just the smell! Unfortunately, I don’t have any advice regarding your fading cloths.
I have black mold that grows daily in my bathroom window. Can I wipe the window down with my enviro cloth and window cloth or will the mold damage the cloth?
Hi Pam, using your Norwex enviro cloth to clean the mildew from your window will not damage your cloth, UNLESS you don’t wash your cloth afterwards. If you leave your cloth in a damp heap somewhere on your bathroom floor, the mildew may grow in your cloth, however if you hand wash it with a little dish soap, rinse and wring it well, and hang it to dry, you won’t have any problems.
Hi there, how many times can I use my dusting mit before I have to use the brush to go against it to get the dust off? I know that sounds dumb, but I wasn’t sure each time? One other question a friend of mine said her enviro cloth got a hole in it. Can that happen is there a life time guarantee? Or does she just need to get a new one. She said she used it a ton.
Anne, I usually just hit my dusting mitt against my deck railing to get the dust out of it, and then about once a month (or less), I launder it. I typically don’t use the rubber brush on my dusting mitt, but that’s a great idea! With regards to the Enviro Cloth with a hole it in; the Norwex microfiber has a 2 year warranty, not lifetime, so if you’re friend has had it for less than 2 years, she can have it replaced.
How do you get the cloth replaced? Mine has a hole in it as well.
Amanda, to have your Norwex cloth replaced you will have to contact the Norwex consultant you purchased your cloth from. If your cloth is less than 2 years old, she/he will be able to get you a new cloth!
I made a mistake and left my Norwex cloths wet in a plastic bag for a week! Now they have red spots on them – I assume it’s mold. How can I get them out?! Will the cloths always be stained?
Terisa, You Norwex cloths are definitely not ruined. The mold can be removed and killed by washing them thoroughly with hot water and soap, and then I would also recommend pouring boiling water over them to make sure all the mold spores are dead and gone. Unfortunately, I’m not sure if the red color stain will remain even after the mold is killed – I hope it doesn’t, but you put your minds at ease, your Norwex cloths will still be just as effective at cleaning as it was before the mold incident!
I’m having a terrible time with keeping my kitchen cloths stink free. I do the deep soak and they smell great, but after 3-4 days in the kitchen, gross again. I hang them away from the kitchen sink on a separate towel bar so I don’t get them in the soapy water. I only use hot water and wipe counters and appliances with them. I’m so disappointed! I really thought they were the answer to the stinky cloth/stinky counter problem. The gal that sold them to me says she had the same cloth in her kitchen for 2-3 weeks. I just don’t understand what I’m doing wrong… I like the way they clean, so I keep trying.
The Norwex kitchen cloths do not last more than 3-4 days without becoming smelly… they most definitely do not last 2-3 weeks, unless you are consistently hand washing them with dish soap every night and rinsing really well before hanging them to dry. Your kitchen is full of grease, tiny particles of food, and general dirt & bacteria. The self sanitizing silver in the cloth can only handle so much bacteria before it becomes overloaded and your cloth starts to stink. The Norwex kitchen cloths need to be laundered at least once a week. For really detailed instructions on laundering and caring for your Norwex microfiber, read my How To Wash Norwex Microfiber blog post.
I just bought my norwex dish cloths and they started smelling a few days after I started using them to wash dishes/counters, etc. I seriously doubt they need a deep clean…any suggestions??
Hi Betty, The Norwex microfiber dish cloths are actually not meant for use with soapy water. If you’re using them to wash dishes, the microfibers in the cloth are going to be coated in soap, which inhibits the work of the silver in the fibers to self sanitize. This would definitely cause your cloth to get stinky. With my Norwex dish cloths, I use them for general kitchen wiping (counters, cupboards, front of appliances, table, etc.), and I only get them wet under warm running water… I don’t recommend dipping them in soapy dish water. Once I’ve used the cloth (especially for really greasy, messy jobs), I use a little dish soap to hand wash it, and then rinse it REALLY well under warm running water – you want to get all the soap out. This method keeps the cloths cleaner longer. For dishes, the best Norwex product is the Netted Dish Cloth… it’s made for washing and scrubbing dishes, and doesn’t get stinky.
How do I pick up the dirt after using my dry mop? Do I need to use my old broom and dust pan? I know it sounds silly but I really don’t know.
Deb, that isn’t a silly question at all! Yes, you can use your old broom and dust pan to collect the dirt – I often do. If you have a Norwex microfiber cleaning cloth, you can also use that, damp, to scoop up the dirt and dust from your floor. And some people use their vacuum, and then clean the dust bunnies from the mop pad with their vacuum as well!
Would it work to nuke the damp cloth in the microwave? I tried boiling them but I am concerned ed about the pretty salmon color fading.
Hi Linda ~ Since there’s silver woven throughout the cloth, we advise NOT putting them in the microwave… you know, sparks flying and starting the cloth on fire… that sort of thing! Good idea though 🙂
LOL. I did actually try it and nothing ignited! Hopefully I didn’t damage the antibac properties of the cloth… What do you think?
Haha! Glad to hear there was no fire 🙂 I don’t think you damaged the antibacterial properties of the cloth – silver is silver, and can’t be ruined by heat.
Really? I have to buy another Norwex product to clean my other Norwex product? So are you telling me that nothing else on earth will clean them?
Hi Lori, No, I don’t think you necessarily have to use the Norwex Laundry Detergent to deep clean your Norwex cloths, but I would think that you would have to use another brand of detergent that is natural, concentrated and free of fillers, optical brighteners, fragrance, and colorants. I don’t think the store brands, like Tide or Sunlight would do trick. If you do an internet search for “great natural laundry detergent”, you will get a long list of ones you could try, and all kinds of user reviews on them. If you try another brand and love it, come back and let me know… even though I sell Norwex, I’m always on the hunt for great, green products!
I used my own homemade laundry detergent to deep clean them when they were starting to smell. Seemed to work just as well.
Please tell me your home made recipe
Please share that!
Thank you thank you thank you! I had stopped using my cloths because I couldn’t get the smell out; just tried this and they smell clean and fresh again!
Thank you so much for sharing this info – I shall try this! I’ve been doing some SERIOUS cleaning with my ONE Enviro cloth all over the house – I think it needs a deep clean b/c I was so bummed when it started to smell like other cloths do.
Thank you so much for this added tip! Norwex cloths are absolutely amazing…but over time they just need that little “pick me up” to go again. They’re like NEW all over again!