My Review of the Norwex Mop System
Confession: I really, DO NOT like cleaning.
I know that I sell cleaning supplies, so you’d assume that I LOVE it. But I hate it, actually.
Probably one of my least favorite jobs in the house is cleaning the floors. One reason I dislike cleaning the floors is that it’s such a BIG job. It is such a large expanse of space with so many obstacles, and it just feels daunting.
Floor cleaning changed for me when I discovered the Norwex Mop System.
I still don’t love cleaning the floors, but now I don’t dread it as much. And I don’t put it off for weeks. I’ll show you why the Norwex Mop System helped me clean the floors more often and what features I like best. You’ll discover all of the cool accessories available that can go with it. Even better, I’ll show you why the Norwex Mop is completely, totally and utterly worth its high price!
Why I Needed a New Mop
As much as I despise cleaning floors, I LOVE the way clean floors feel. Nothing screams, “Your house is filthy!” like grit, crumbs, and hair sticking to my feet. Generally, I like to get every room in the house done in one fell swoop – both the sweeping and washing. None of this, “one room today, and another room tomorrow.”Otherwise, I’d never have that “Ahhh, clean floors” feeling. However, since it’s such a big job, this is a problem.
I also like to have a quick way to clean my open-concept floors when a friend phones and says, “I’m coming for coffee in 5 minutes!” I needed a floor cleaning system that would help me get my floors clean FAST.
Is the Norwex Mop worth the price?
After getting my hands on the Norwex Mop for the first time, I knew RIGHT AWAY that it was definitely a 5 star product. But there was a catch… it has a 3 star price tag. It REALLY works, but it’s expensive! Let’s face it: paying well over $100 for a MOP seems mildly ludicrous when there are so many other lovely, enjoyable, yummy things that I could spend that money on.
Despite the cost, I DID buy one, and I don’t regret it one bit. I seriously LOVE this mop. I almost like cleaning floors now because they actually get clean, and they get done FAST!
How It Works
The Superior Mop collection is available in three sizes. Small, Large, and Extra Large.
Each mop system comes with a plush microfiber dry mop pad (for sweeping) and a microfiber wet pad (for washing).
The dry pad uses a static charge to pick up everything off my floors, including dust bunnies, hair, crumbs & other tiny bits of “floor yuck”. This dry pad is even better than my Dyson vacuum cleaner at getting the dust off my hardwood floors.
The wet washing pad needs to only be wet with water. That’s right – no bottle of cleaner is needed. If you want to know more about how that’s even possible, read more here. This pad cleans everything from my hardwood floors: smudges, footprints, drops, smears, grease spatter, dried milk & juice drips… you get the point. In terms of its ease of use, the Norwex Superior wet mop pad is easy to use if you follow the directions. You’re supposed to move the mop over your floor in a Figure-8 pattern. If you do this, it moves easily. If you just scrub the mop back and forth, the “grab” in the microfiber can make the mop hard to move because it feels like it’s sticking to your floor, and the base can “flip”, as happens with other similarly-constructed mop bases.
These pads can clean all non-carpeted floor types! These pads are ESPECIALLY life-saving for hardwood floors that show everything and need constant wiping!

Which size should I buy?
I personally prefer and recommend the Large or Extra Large Mop Systems for anyone who has primarily hardwood and/or tile throughout their home. You can cover so much more floor space in less time. If you have a small home, mini home, or apartment, or if most of your home is carpet (and you only need to mop the kitchen and bathrooms), you’d likely prefer the small mop system since you only need to mop small areas. But if you have a standard or large home, go with the Large for sure.
Pros and Cons of the Norwex Mop System
What I Love:
- The wet mop cleans with JUST water. NO cleaning solutions are needed, which means that my kids aren’t crawling on chemical-covered floors. It’s also great for the health of my floors… my floors aren’t getting a coating of waxes or other harmful chemicals.
- You don’t have to worry about water damage on your hardwood, bamboo, or cork flooring. The wet mop pad only has to be damp, not sopping wet, to wash the floor.
- The dry mop pad is FANTASTIC at picking up all kinds of hair, dirt, and dust bunnies. The dry mop is microfiber, which has a natural static electricity so it really holds onto the dirt. You can dry mop a very large area before you have to clean it off.
- Unlike a traditional broom, you never have to lift the Norwex mop off the floor while sweeping. This means the wind can’t catch and blow the hair and dust bunnies that you’ve collected across the room where you’ll have to retrieve them.
- The dry dust pad is better than our vacuum at getting the fine dust off our floor.
- Both the dry and the wet mop pads extend beyond the base, folding up when washing along walls. This prevents the base from gouging holes in your walls or scratching your baseboards.
- Both the dry and wet pads can be washed in the washing machine and dried in the dryer. This is a huge improvement over my old mop, which would sit wet for a long time after using it. I can’t even imagine what was growing in there!
- You’ll save money if you’re currently using a mop system that has disposable pads!
- It’s lightweight, the handle is adjustable, and it’s very easy to use. I love that the mop pads attach to the mop base with Velcro. So easy!
- It doubles as a wall washer, because of the telescopic handle. I can reach to the top of my vaulted ceiling walls with it. It’s also great for washing extra large shower/bath stalls.
- It has a handy-dandy little flip-down locking mechanism that you lock and unlock with a mere push. If you don’t lock it, the base swivels in every direction – handy for getting under your furniture. If you flip the lock down, the base doesn’t swivel anymore, making it great for cleaning walls and shower stalls.
- It has an amazing warranty! I love that all parts of this mop system come with a two-year warranty! You are investing in a quality product that will last you. Based on customer experiences, this mop lasts much longer than just two years though. The average user has their original mop system a minimum of five years. After that time, they may need to replace the pads, as they become worn down, but their mop is still going strong. All parts can be purchased separately, so any other broken parts can be replaced if needed!
Just a Couple of Cons:
- It’s expensive. This is the biggest complaint I hear about the Norwex mop. In the mop’s defence, it will last you for years and years, and it comes with an EXCELLENT warranty. Think of the years that you won’t have to buy a floor cleaning solution, replacement sponges for your mop, or Swiffer pads and cleaning solution (Swiffers are NOT cheap to use!). This mop will pay for itself sooner than you think.
- It’s not great for hardwood stairs. It’s a little awkward and fumbly. For my stairs, I’ve discovered that the Norwex Dusting Mitt works SO well for “sweeping” – it’s kind of like wearing a mitt-shaped dry dusting mop pad on your hand – and a damp Enviro Cloth is easier for washing the stairs than the wet mop pad.
- Some customers say that it’s not ideal for super-shiny, high-gloss hardwood: the Norwex wet mop can leave streaks behind. But there’s a special trick for this problem; if you get your dry microfiber mop pad wet (yes, you read that correctly, get your dry mop head wet) and use it to wet-mop your high-gloss hardwood, you’ll find it dries streak-free!
How To Use the Norwex Mop:
Dry Mop – Attach the dry mop pad to the mop base, and using a figure 8 pattern, sweep your floor. Clean the dirt off the pad by either shaking it outside or brushing it with the rubber brush, to brush the dirt into the garbage can. For the little bits that didn’t stick to the mop when you lifted it up, you can use your old fashioned broom and dustpan, or wipe them up with a wet Enviro Cloth.
Wet Mop – Get the mop pad wet by running it under warm running water. Ring it out, and attach it to the mop base. Wash your floors in a figure 8 pattern. This should do a fairly large area of your floors. When the pad starts to dry out a bit, take it off, rinse and re-wet. Or, you can use a spray bottle filled with warm water to mist the floor. When you’re finished, remove the pad from the mop base, and rub it against itself under warm (hot) running water to clean it. If it’s not too dirty, hang it to dry and use it again later. If the floor was really dirty, wash it in your washing machine.
Washing Instructions can be found here.
Extra (and amazing) Norwex Mop Accessories
Chenille Dry Mop Pad
The original dry mop head is not great at picking up larger items, like cheerios or pebbles. If I sweep in a figure 8 pattern the way I’m supposed to, the bigger things stay in front of the mop but they don’t stick to the mop when I lift it up to clean it off. This is where the Chenille Mop pad comes in handy. This dry pad is better at grabbing the big crumbs, and a great accessory for your mop! It’s not included in the Mop Starter Kits, but it’s worth purchasing, especially if you have little ones and big messes.
The Chenille Mop Pad comes in Large and Small. It does NOT come in XL size.

Tile Wet Mop Pad
While the wet pad is wonderful for smooth floors like hardwood, it’s not as great on uneven or floors with texture, like tile, or pitted linoleum. Enter the Tile Mop Pad! It has scrubby nylon fibers woven throughout the pad to add a little more “elbow grease” for when you come across dried-on maple syrup or cemented Rice Krispies. And while it has the additional scrubbiness, it won’t scratch and damage your smooth or shiny floors. I often use it on my tile then move right to my hardwood without switching to the original wet mop pad. The tile mop pad is seriously fantastic.
The Tile Mop Pad comes in Large and Small. It does NOT come in XL size.
Rubber Brush
I mentioned the Rubber Brush earlier. This is another “totally worth it” purchase for cleaning off your dry pad, as it simply makes it easier!

Spray Mop Attachment
This mop accessory is an absolute game changer. I’ve already reviewed it in another post if you want all the details for why I love it with all my heart, but here’s the basics – it’s a water reservoir for when it’s needed. No need to constantly rewet the Mop Pad – simply use the mop attachment to spray and continue mopping!

So, is the Norwex mop worth the price?
Yes, 100% it is, and give it 5 Stars! ★★★★★
It’s an extremely high-end mop, and it will last for years and years; I just talked with a friend who has owned her Norwex mop for 15 YEARS and it’s still going strong!
The up-front cost is comparable to just 1 YEARS COST to purchase refill pads and/or cleaning solutions for other mopping systems! Let that sink in. In comparison, after the first year, the Norwex mop system doesn’t cost you a dime.
You’re not constantly throwing pads or empty solution containers in the trash to clutter up our landfill space. Plus, it’s got that awesome two-year warranty, if anything goes wrong!
I can confidently say that you won’t regret purchasing the Norwex Mop System, so if you’re reading this because you need a new mop, what are you waiting for?! Click the links below to purchase the mop and any of the mop accessories I talked about above!
Now share with me: If you have a Norwex Mop, do you think it was worth the price?
And if you found this post useful, please take a moment and share it with your friends!
My Norwex mop leaves tons of streaks on my LVP floor. How do I remedy this? Not really worth cleaning with it when it looks so bad after.
Hi June. I can most effectively help you with more information. How long have you had the mop, and what were you using to clean the floor prior to using Norwex? It’s likely that the mop is removing residue from prior cleaners, which will result in streaking as it removes those layers of chemical cleaners. Thanks.
I have had the mop 2 years, I think.
No other cleaner has been used on this floor. (The floor was new a little while after I bought the mop).
In that case, it sounds like your mop pads may need to be deep cleaned. If you want to email me at suzanneholt(at)live.com, I’m happy to send you a sample of our laundry booster to deep clean them.
I have the laundry detergent. I’ll put the pad in the washer and see if it helps. I need to get the floors clean for a showing tomorrow (house is on the market), so that will have to do for now (or I’ll have to get down on the floor and wash it by hand. Ugh.) :). Thanks for your input.
Try this method to deep clean them: https://healthyhomecleaning.com/stinky-norwex-cloths/
I have pre stained rustic hardwood floors, so they are not a flat, smooth surface. What mop pad woukd you recommend for this type of surface?
I’d recommend our standard wet mop pad and the the duster dry mop pad.
I have the large norwex mop and the plastic rectangular piece broke. It is no longer under warranty. Is it possible to get just this piece without ordering a whole new mop head?
Unfortunately we can’t get just that piece; the only option is to replace the mop base. I’m sorry about that.
I haven’t had my mop long the bottom of the handle broke , can I get it replaced
Hi Tracy. Yes; it has a two year warranty. You just need to contact the consultant you purchased it from and they can initiate a warranty claim for you. Let me know if you have any other questions.
My husband was trying to be helpful and was using my Norwex mop with Bruce Hardwood cleaner. As soon as I noticed I made him stop and told him only water is necessary. My question: If I wash the mop pad in Norwex detergent will it get the pad clean enough to use or will I need to discard the mop pad and buy a new one?
It should be fine if you give it a good soak in very hot water and some laundry detergent. Please let me know if that works.
Do you know how the Enviro Cloth differs from the mop pads? And if one would clean better than the other. Thanks!
They both have the ability to remove 99% of all bacteria from the surface!
Hi! I used my Enviro Cloth on a swiffer mop head and was pretty happy with it’s results. Do you know how the Enviro Cloth differs from the mop pads? And if one would clean better than the other. Thanks!
Hi Erica,
Both the ENVIROCloth and the Mop Head remove 99% of all bacteria from the surface, so they both clean just as effectively!
Thank you for giving us your very useful tips how to clean our floor. These makes my life easier.
I have the small mop and I love it. I wash after each use.
I am new to Norwex and have not yet placed an order. I am considering the large mop system. In reading the reviews I do not see many regarding the use on ceramic tile. Mine is not shiny and has grout and I notice some crevices are deeper than others……should I get the tile mop pad and can that be substituted for the wet mop pad in the system?
Thank you
Hi Millie – for ceramic tile, I’ll admit that the blue wet pad is not the greatest! It works best on smooth surfaces. So, I do recommend customers purchase the Tile Mop pad for their tile floors, especially if it’s not smooth. When purchasing the system, it comes as is, and can’t be substituted with a different mop pad.
The mop is amazing! Did you know that green ball at the end is to remove scuff marks?
I actually don’t use the brackets & cloths for walls & ceilings… I simply spray the wet mop pad with blue diamond & mop the walls & ceilings! Works perfectly every time!
If you are having issues with streaks, your mop pad is too wet.i use it dry and spray the floor.
Hope these tips help!
Thanks for sharing these tips, Michelle!
Another product left a greasy film on my hardwood floors. I’ve tried using a floor steamer, and it won’t remove it. Do you think the Norwex mop will remove greasy film?
Yes. It make take a few times going over the floor, but it will get it up in layers. Let me know if you’d like to order one.
Thanks for the review. I went to look for instruction on how to use on the main site and had a hard time finding anything useful. I actually do have the brush and this permits me to keep my hands clean and I believe it might be better for the life of the pads, not beating them. Im active as a runner, mother, etc so I like saving time. I think these help me to save time not having to run to the store to get the swiffer pads or pulling out the broom or vacuum as often
Hi, I know this is an old post but I wanted to see what you might recommend. I have high gloss laminate floors and I love the gloss look. I used an enviro cloth on parts of my floor just to see what would happen and was shocked at how it removed residue I’d tried for years to get off using various methods and solutions. What do I need to basically replicate a cloth and keep the shine? I always sweep and/or vacuum before so I don’t care about picking up crumbs. I am going to get a small mop. Thank you!
Hi Sarah. Thanks for stopping by. If you liked the way the enviro cloth worked on your floor, you would LOVE how our mop system works. I recommend either the large superior mop system or mini superior mop system. You can shop online here or contact me by email to suzanne@healthyhomecleaning.com to order. Thanks!
I have the Norwex superior mop system. My consultant is new and lives in a different state so I barely get good responses back from her, especially in a timely manner. I use it on my tile and I feel disappointed in how well it picks up dirt and grim. I was told that I shouldn’t NEED the tile pad but the wet superior pad doesn’t get the trail of dirt stuck on the tile by the door. Really disappointed and with my lack of aww over the products I don’t want to dish out More money for the tile pad. The jury is still out on the “amazing pick up” of the dusting products too. Any advice?
I find that my clients do like the tile mop pad for washing their tile floors and showers. If the dry mop pad doesn’t seem to be picking up as well as you’d like, try rubbing it against your hand to increase the static that it’s generating. You can also try washing it in hot water and drying in a hot dryer. Thanks!
I need the detergent to was the mop pad??? I can’t find it on here. Can you help me, please. My email is orbkej@aol.com. How much does it cost also? Thanks!! You can’t just use regular detergent, “right???”
Hi Judy – I’m so sorry! I seem to have missed your comment, and am only seeing it today! Norwex recommends you use their detergent, for best results. You can purchase the Norwex laundry detergent from my shop HERE. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
I am in love with this mop! I’m also not the biggest fan of cleaning and when I clean the hardwood floor it takes forever… I have to vacuum good everywhere, then go around with a bucket of water with vinegar and mop the two floors! I really am considering trying the Norwex mop! I also have children and they make mess all the time so if I have a mop that will help me clean faster and easier I definitely think that it is a great deal! Thanks for sharing!
Hi! Thank you for the info! I just got my Norwex mop and conversion kit for my windows but I am so frustrated. I can’t clean my high windows because the mop head flips every time I move it up or down. I wish it would lock in place so it couldn’t flip. I love all my other products and I’m sure it’s great for the floor too, but I’m bummed about my windows. Do you have any suggestions or tips for me? Thank you so much!
Hi Ashley,
I agree, that it is not as easy as it sounds, and can be awkward. Here is what others have tried to make it a more effective process:
* There is a lock on your mop base, a little rectangular piece that stops the swivel action. Make sure you’ve flipped that down.
* Spray the window with water Use your wet mop pad (that you’ve already dampened) to do the actual washing of windows, not the EnviroCloth
* Turn the mop and use it vertically instead of horizontally to prevent the flipping
* Spray the window with water
* Then follow with your Window Cloth to polish dry
* Use a chopstick to poke the Window Cloth into the holes on your conversion kit to make it stay really well.
Let me know if those tips give you better success!
I have a question. I am new to norwex products and am obsessed. i love it. we got the mop among other things and absolutely love it…the problem is my husband still insists on using pine sol when he mops because he likes the smell. He uses less than when using a regular mop but I am afraid he is going to ruin the micro fibers in the norwex cloth. Does pine sol ruin it? I’ve asked him not to but he says “it won’t really ruin”. Ugh – how bad is this?
Try letting him know that he’s basically wasting his money. That’ll get him to stop, ha! As long as the pine sol does not contain chlorine bleach, it won’t ruin your mop. Your mop may always have that lingering smell of pine sol attached to it though. Give him time, too. cleaning with just water, and no lingering smell, is a hard concept for a lot of people!
Can you fit the mop pads on a cheaper mop handle? That could reduce the price some?
You can certainly try putting the Norwex mop pads on a different mop, but I personally don’t know if it would work since I’ve never done it!
Did you try this? I have a Shark pocket steam mop that looks similar to the double sided mop and was thinking about ordering the pads only.
They fit the Rubbermaid hygen mop perfectly. I don’t have the dry mop, but the wet mop pads in both systems work about the same.
Thanks for your note Kelly! One big advantage of our wet mop pads are the BacLock(TM) microfiber with the silver that helps it self purify. I’m glad you’ve found something you like!
I have had the norwex mop for 2 months now and i love it. I would never go back to using any other mop ever again
I have had the wet mop for about 6 months and do not like the dull look left when I wipe up my floors.
They never looked like this before when I used a microfibre cloth and a bit of detergent.
I was told it was a residue from cleaning products but I scrub at least 2x a week to try to get them shiny.
We have no little ones at home. My floors were high gloss but not any more.
I only use water on the mop to scrub and wash the mop head using environmentally free soap.
Not liking the look at all .
Any suggestions?
If you have the Norwex Superior dry mod pad, many people have great success using it, after washing high gloss floors, to buff them to a sheen again. You could also try adding a few drops of dishwashing detergent to your water, or vinegar.
No replacement for me. Anyone know of a glue that will work.
Velcro Glue perhaps?
Same issue with mine. Then the plastic piece at the bottom of the wand snapped off. No replacement parts for that either. I ended up tossing the thing. Now I’m moving into a new home…really debating buying another one. Have they made any aluminum or metal parts to replace the plastic bits that broke off mine?
I’m not sure exactly which part you’re referring to, but we are always improving things. The mop does have a 2 year warranty, so if any pieces break in that time – we send you a new one. Thanks!
Liked the mop till the velcro was falling off the metal mop head. Tried 2 glues. Did not hold with the different materials. Any suggestions? Otherwise a good mop and the money spent is out the window!!
Hi Valerie, depending on how long you’ve owned the mop, you may be eligible for a replacement mop head due to it being defective. You simply need to contact the Norwex consultant whom you ordered from, and ask her to check into it for you.
I also noticed footprints on my Pergomax wood laminate. I went to Lowes and use the Bruce Hardwood floor cleaner that they recommend for all types of would floors. I know you do not need any chemicals with this mop, but it works for me as long as I do not walk over it for a few minutes while drying. But I have no children at home, so I did not check anything out the chemicals used in it….
So great to read all your advice just wondering if I should use the wet mop or tile mop for bamboo floors. I’m hoping to place an order on thurs and am unsure which would be best?
Hi Leanne! I think that you could use either the wet mop head or the tile mop head for your bamboo floors. I have low gloss wood floors, and I often use the tile mop on them, and I have no problems at all. It really depends on how much dried on, sticky bits you have on your floors… do they need a good scrub (if so, use the tile mop head), or is it just regular dirt and footprints (then use the wet mop head)?
And I know Norwex is not supposed to leave a residue but it sure seems like something is leaving a residue on my floors after first using the superior dry mop and then the large wet mop because prior to norwex I used hey he spray cleaner recommended for my brand of hardwood floors and never had an issue with footprints showing up immediately after mopping and wearing clean socks.
What I want to know is will this mop leave my floor clean enough that when I walk on it after I mop, will I get footprint marks. This happens with every single product I have used on my dark colored laminate floors. Its so frustrating. With two littles and two dogs, my floor never looks clean or smudge free. So cleaning with no smudges as you clean is great but does it stay that way once you walk on it with clean socks.
Michelle, the Norwex mop doesn’t leave any residue on your floors – all you’re using is water and the microfiber, and the Norwex microfiber removes EVERYTHING from the surface you wipe. The biggest problem with dark floors (I know because I have them too) is that everything shows… the little bit of dampness on most peoples feet, or dirt or oils, and with dogs the problem is magnified. Even with the best mopping system, you may still have the foot prints.
Michelle, I am having issues with my dark hard wood floors showing footprints after mopping with the Norwex mop. I have only had the mop a month and have used it about 4 times. The first 2 times I didn’t notice this being a problem, but the last two times I have used it this has happened. I wring out the pad very well and wait for the floor to dry completely. but the first time someone walks on it barefoot or with socks my floor is streaked with footprints. I have not washed the mop pad (superior wet pad) yet….do you think that is the problem Deja? I have used a free and clear dish detergent (very small amount) on the pad in between cleanings and the pad doesn’t look particularly dirty. I don’t understand why this didn’t happen the first two times I used it. Unless it has something to do with it now being warm weather and peoples feet are more sweaty even in socks. We’ve even waited 30 mins before waking on it and to still happens. Very frustrating!
Hi Kari, I agree, it is frustrating when a pair of feet leave footprints on your nice, clean floors. I have the same issue with my dark hardwood. I have definitely noticed that in the warmer, more humid months the floors look MUCH worse than they do in the dry winter months. Peoples feet are a little moist, everyone walks around in bare feet, and here on the Atlantic coast, every surface is damp even when clean. It’s not that your floors aren’t clean, or the Norwex mop isn’t doing a good job. I don’t have any evidence to prove this, but I wonder if many of the chemical cleaners for floors actually leave a film on the floor surface which repels the dirt and foot prints??? This may be nice for the way your floors look, but not so great for your health, especially the wee ones that may crawl on (and sometimes lick) your flooring!
I am most concerned with picking up cat litter particles off laminate floors. I really want to get rid of the dust pan.
Linda, unfortunately, the Norwex Mop doesn’t do a great job of picking up cat litter. It will pick up some, but not all… your options are the dust pan, vacuum cleaner, or a damp cloth/paper towel.
Hi! So I am convinced that it cleans in the sense of no dirt left on the ground. But what I am really looking for is something that will disinfect. With little ones crawling over floors that get stomped with salty muddy winter chemical covered boots, feetilizer sandals, or any other icky things that follow us inside, I want to know that those are being removed for little crawlers and kids who will still pick up and eat cheerios from the ground. Will this mop do that?
Bryn, yes, the Norwex mop will disinfect your floor! The densely woven, superfine Norwex Microfiber physically removes up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water when following proper care and use instructions. And because you’re disinfecting it using only water and microfiber, the Cheerios your little ones are eating off the floor won’t be covered in a toxic, chemical disinfectant!
That’s a great review. I was just introduced to the Norwex products by my friend and I bought the Tile Mop. Do I just use water to clean or am I supposed to add a cleaning product to this mop? I know I’m not supposed to add cleaners to the “silver-lined” wet mop, but the Tile Mop is not silver-lined so I’m not sure what I’m supposed to use.
Thanks in advance for the advice!
Hi Selene, the Norwex tile mop head is meant to be used with only water as well. You don’t need any cleaning solution… it’s actually not going to be good for the microfibers in the mop head. You can use a little vinegar in your water though – I personally find this to work really well, especially if you have hard water. Enjoy your mop!
Hey! thank you for posting all of your reviews! I am a new consultant and stumbled upon your blog. I do have a question though. My aunt has travertine tile and hard wood floors. the wet tile mop still left streaks and she is wanting a streak free shine. Do you recommend doing a wet mop first then using the sup dry mop pad over or using the sup dry mop pad wet?
Thank you so much!
Stella, yes, a clean superior dry mop used after washing the floor, should help get rid of the streaks. I’ve also found that if the wet mop is too dry when washing the floor (wrung out too much), there will be more streaks. If I use a spray bottle with water, and spritz the floor as I wash, I don’t have streaking problems. Thanks also for your kind words about my blog… I’m so happy you find them helpful!
I hate when a company makes a good product, then charges and absolutely ridiculous price for it. $123 for what is essentially a reveal mop with a special pad to use. Also if I have to get my broom out anyway to sweep up the dog hair at the end, it’s one extra step too many.
Lacey, I agree that the price is a little steep – I talk about the price issue in my review of the mop – but for me, the cost is worth it. I’ve had my mop for 5 years, and it’s still going strong, and it’s SO much better than any other mop I used before. It’s a bit of an initial investment, but in the end it was worth it for me. I also don’t mind the little sweeping with a broom and dustpan that I have to do in the end… my floors are so much cleaner when I dry mop with the Norwex microfiber, the extra step isn’t really an issue for me. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion though, and I don’t blame you for not wanting to dish out $123 for a mop!
I was just introduced to Norwex and my household set has already paid for itself in 4 months of not needing to buy chemicals. I figure I go through enough Swiffer products in less than a year, and this mop will pay for itself. As a single parent of 2 children, cost was definitely an issue for me, so I had a party and earned my mop for FREE. It was quite embarassing when I had my party knowing I swept the floor, used the Swiffer dry AND wet, and when the consultant ran her mop over one section of the floor she STILL got dirt. It really makes one reevaluate our definition of “clean.”
I also just realized that you can use the rubber brush to sweep the crumbs into the dustpan and it’s better than any broom … it just gets more of the “stuff” the first time.
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
Nice post, Nowadays am using a cleaning service twice a month. But now am going to try this.